They say traveling to different countries is a way to see the world a new by meeting all types of people and learning their ways of life. While this is undoubtedly true, simply traveling across the United States can be an eye-opening experience in itself. Here are a few of the differences I found between life on the East Coast and life in the Midwest.
1. Lifestyle
What you hear is true, people in the Midwest, in general, seem to be less "in a hurry" and far more inclined to be polite towards others while East Coasters live the fast paced, "big city" life. If someone is walking too slow in front of you, an East Coaster will have no problem with walking around them thus letting them know they are being too slow.
2. Food
The pizza, bagels and seafood are far more superior on the East Coast than in the Midwest. There is nothing like some freshly caught seafood! But hey, it's not the Midwest's fault. It can't be easy getting fresh seafood when you're in the middle of a land-locked country.
3. Politeness
There is something to be said when it comes to being friendly and overly friendly. Midwesterners can come across as being overwhelmingly friendly at times and many seem to genuinely care to hear all about your life. On the other hand, most East coasters are not interested in small talk. It's not that they are trying to be rude, it's just that they are more interested in going about their day than hearing all about a stranger's one.
The price of food and gas is noticeably lower in the Midwest. Especially if you live in one of the big cities on the East Coast, you can expect to pay at least double for food and gas compared to what it might cost in the Midwest.
5. Diversity
The East Coast is known for it's diverse population and it is not uncommon to see people of different races and backgrounds going about their daily lives. Race is not the only thing, the subculture and lifestyle mindset of the East Coast is a bit more diverse than the Midwest as well. This of course is not to say that the Midwest lacks diversity, I'm only saying that there is not as much of it.
6. Dunkin Donuts
While Dunkin Donuts exists in the Midwest, it is not nearly as popular there as it is on the East Coast. On the East Coast, you can be sure to find a Dunkin off of every major highway and on practically every block in most cities. Trying to find a Dunkin in the Midwest, on the other hand, can take some effort!
7. Liquor
The major difference when it comes to liquor is that you can only purchase it in liquor stores on the East Coast. In contrast, in the Midwest, you can purchase liquor in the aisle of you local superstores such as Target, Walmart, and CVS. This always comes as a shock to East Coasters who visit the Midwest! Once more, on the East Coast, there is no such thing as not being able to purchase liquor on Sundays like it is in some Midwestern states.