In case social media is not your forte, I have made a simple guide in an effort to help you navigate through two of the most important interactive sites
Instagram is where you go to say, “Look at how wonderful everything is! I love my life!” and Twitter is where you get to go all, “Look, I lied. I got some issues.”
In other words, Instagram is where you act like your life is all together, and Twitter is where you get to be yourself.
Unless your true self has your act all together. In which case, you’re lying. You wouldn’t have either of those if that was true.
On my Instagram, there are pictures of my friends and me looking good, going on adventures, cute dogs, occasionally beautiful food.
On my Twitter, there is actually a video of me crying because I think the Fast and Furious franchise will be America’s demise. And you also find out almost all of my meals are actually very bland salads and protein smoothies. One time, I was momentarily confused and thought Abraham Lincoln was a greek god, not a president, and I alerted Twitter.
Instagram is “OMG, this cute boy followed me!!!!” Twitter is “What the heck? Why would a stranger want to know my thoughts?”
If you’re looking for someone to try to sell you something, Instagram is your place, and if you want to complain about that, go to Twitter.
Here’s my hiking trip according to Instagram.
According to Twitter.
A spider bite on my eye lid AKA when your worst fear comes true and you’re still alive.
Night out with friends according to Instagram.
According to Twitter.
Yikes but true.
My childhood according to Instagram.
According to (my friends’) Twitter(s).
I'm a lot cooler in their eyes.
I hope this has been helpful in guiding your social media endeavors, but honestly do what you want.
If you are wondering where Facebook falls in all of this, it doesn’t. It is solely for hostility.