Summer school. Curse words to those still studying, an entrapment of the mind and happiness. Most young people hate the idea of summer school because it prevents them from doing all of the fun plans with friends they have. No spontaneity, no camp, and no sleeping in. How could anyone possibly see that as a positive thing? Well let me tell you, that changes when you go to college. Yes, you still don’t really want to go, but it isn’t as bad and there are a number of benefits that go along with summer school.
First, the biggest problem students usually have with summer school is that amount of time that it takes off of your summer. You are sitting in a class instead of hanging out by the water, eating barbecue, and spending time with your friends and family. When you get older though, everybody around you is working, probably yourself also, there are very few times that you can spend with your friends. So, what you can do is work while they do, or go to school. That way, you are using your time productively, you are a little bit less bored, and you feel like you are getting ahead. Which is the next important point to touch upon.
Summer school used to not count for anything when I was in high school. It was just additional tutoring, and the teachers did not want to be there. So overall, a very negative experience I chose to never put myself through. But in college, it was a way more positive one. Most of my friends have been going to summer school, so I am not alone. In addition, these were actual classes I was taking. I was advancing in my degree full and half quarters, and I never felt like it was a waste of time. I felt productive, yet homesick, but it was very worth the effort.
Another problem people have with summer school is the amount of adventures you miss out on. Honestly, my peers and I have been able to do a lot even while still going to summer school. Little to no parental supervision makes your options endless and you really get to explore the area you study in while you are stuck there. Unfortunately in Riverside, it is very hot. But the mountains, the desert, the beach, and a lot of cities are a close drive away as long as you can find a car.
Overall, the idea of your summer changes. College is the last time you will have summer break, unless you have some crazy awesome job or also work in education. So, overall, this will be more like the reality of your life, just with more breaks than you will have an an adult. Take your time with your friends while you are in college and appreciate the fact that you get to still spend time with them while you are there. Do not lament, friends, go to college in the summer if you have to. You might find yourself having fun at the same time.