It seems now more than ever, that the generation gap has taken a toll on relations between the millennials and the rest of the world. The fast growing technological advances have created a divide between twenty-something's and their parents and grandparents; sometimes it leaves blame on the young people for all the wrong reasons. With the figurative world at your fingertips, it can be seen as lazy to read the newspaper on your phone in bed, or see all the best 360 views on Facebook. But with the cost of living driven up by the most recent recession, they may be smart to avoid buying a house, car or investing before they're ready. Renting and leasing allows more room for unexpected expenses, medical or otherwise, and a budget to see the world in an economical way. Young people are equipped to travel, document and share with a device that fits in their palm, and allow others to see things they otherwise would never be able to. If it's looked at as a convenience rather than laziness, it's easy to see that it's actually an amazing tool that has already revolutionized learning and experiencing. In reality, they're just equipped with far more ways of doing things like travel or having a career.
The way different generations prioritize and function has always been a point of contention. In the same way that it was seen as a privilege to take the bus rather than having to walk to school in a foot of snow, older generations see it as taking the easy way out when young adults take advantage of ride sharing services or public transportation, as opposed to buying a car. However, among other things, they have become the most environmentally conscious generation thus far, only aided by the easy access to data that is constantly turned over and updated. It all comes down to misunderstanding the purpose of these new advances. While there are admittedly some downsides to the immediacy of social media platforms like Snapchat and Twitter, they have revolutionized networking opportunities as well as improved how law enforcement tackles cases. Though there are a multitude of other reasons this generation is a force to be reckoned with, one other one definitely worth mentioning is their compassion; their willingness to speak out about real issues is incredible. So kids, uber to the grocery store, and more importantly, tweet your heart out.