Diet Culture Creates Toxic Habits | The Odyssey Online
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Health and Wellness

Diet Culture Isn't Making Us Healthier — Instead, We're Obsessive And Paranoid

Life is too short to live by restrictive food rules.

Diet Culture Isn't Making Us Healthier — Instead, We're Obsessive And Paranoid

Going on a diet may seem like an enticing idea. Hearing about people who used a certain diet to lose weight, get toned, or accomplish whatever their goal may be, may be enough to encourage you to make that same commitment. There are countless diets scattered over the internet. You have the Millennial diet, the Keto diet, Weight Watchers, the raw food diet, the Paleo diet... the list goes on.

Many of these diets include a strict plan, some focusing on restricting certain foods, and others on consuming a low number of calories. For those whose goal is to lose weight, going on a strict diet will oftentimes only serve as a temporary solution. Yes, you may reach your short-term goal, but in the long run, the whole dieting thing often falls through the cracks.

In fact, according to Slate, 97% of dieters gain back all the weight they've lost.

It's common to desire control. Although there are many things we can't control such as our background, we certainly can control the way our body looks, which can easily turn into an obsession. A number on a scale does not define you. To be so caught up in numbers can take a serious toll on a person and can create unhealthy habits. Constantly reading nutrition labels and tracking every calorie in every food or drink that goes in your body can be exhausting, frustrating, and overwhelming and you could have spent your time doing much better things. Constant tracking can cause negative thoughts and an unhealthy relationship with food.

So, maybe ditch the scale and don't weigh yourself every day, or don't even look at the nutrition label.

You don't have to do everything diet culture says you should do because it can become toxic. Going on a diet can completely change the way you see things. It creates a black and white perception, such as thoughts that these foods are good and these are bad, nothing in between. Because of this mindset, you may feel guilty whenever you eat something "bad" even if it tasted amazing. And when we restrict ourselves from foods we love, we end up craving them even more.

I believe that in place of a diet, you should strive to find balance.

There's a balance between staying active, supplying your body with nutrients and whole foods as well as foods that make you happy. Active does not have to mean a high-intensity workout seven days a week. It could mean going for a run every once and a while, taking your dog for a walk, playing a sport, or simply moving your body in any way. Living a healthy lifestyle means giving your body what you feel it needs.

If you are trying to feel content with yourself, then don't let anyone or any diet tell you what you can and cannot eat. Food is one of the great pleasures of life and it connects people. So if you want that ice cream or you want to go out to eat, go for it! Because life is too short not to and a healthy life involves indulgence every once and a while. In the long run, if you strive to consume nutrient-rich foods that fuel your body, but at the same time fulfill your cravings as they come, you are much more likely to create a healthy lifestyle.

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