To everyone who wants to lose a little or a lot of weight: Dieting doesn’t work because you’re training yourself to believe that you must work out with exercises you hate and eat healthy garbage or you’ll never look like you want to. STOP. You’re wrong.
Just eliminate the main problems: lots of salt and sugar
Do you snack all the time, with mostly salty crackers, chips, etc.? Stop buying them and you won’t eat it. Snack with fruit you like or veggies with a LITTLE bit of dip.
Are sugary coffee drinks your weakness? Start making coffee at home with just milk and sugar or a little creamer.
Add more healthy foods that you like
For me, I’m a HUGE Mexican food fan, but the kicker is salt. So last week I made a rice, chicken (with a little olive oil), black beans and corn, and some salsa. Sure the salsa wasn’t a great option, but there was variety and it tasted great! If you like peppers, onions, and tomatoes, add it all in! Make dishes you like and just alter some of the ingredients.
Workout more, but not 24/7!
Let’s say you never workout. Aim for 3 days a week for 30 minutes to an hour. You don’t have to exercise for 2 hours everyday of the week. Most of losing weight is eating habits anyway.
Find workouts you actually like
Maybe you love to dance. Take Zumba! Maybe you like the thought of improving your strength because your upper body muscles are WEAK. Okay, do that! If you hate running, don’t do it! I’m not saying avoid cardio, because frankly, you need it, but there are lots of cardio options.
Drink more water
This one is plain and simple
Stop focusing on the weight
Trust me, if you improve your eating habits and workout more, you will lose weight. You will quit trying so much faster if you’re eagerly waiting for your weight to change and it takes forever. You have to train your mind to want better health, and looking at losing weight as a benefit.