If you know me, you know I am addicted to diet coke.
I don't think a day goes by that I don't drink diet coke. Don't get me wrong I do drink water, but I live on diet coke. As a diet coke lover, there are some things I aways hear that I can't stand.
1. "Diet Coke gives you cancer."
I'm not going to deny that diet coke has chemicals that can cause cancer. But, there are so many things that cause medical problems. Alcohol can give you liver failure but you're still chugging it down.
2. "Why don't you drink regular soda?"
Regular soda is NOT THE SAME. Regular soda is much sweeter and yes I can tell the difference.
3. "Do you want a lemon in your soda?
I don't understand why regular coke never gets a lemon but I am always asked. Just because I drink diet coke doesn't mean I like lemons more than someone who drinks regular coke.
4. "Is Pepsi OK?"
I don't mind Pepsi. I prefer coke but I will drink Pepsi. But don't get me started on off-brand drinks that restaurants try to pass off as Pepsi or Coke.
5. "Diet Coke makes you gain weight."
Do you think I drink diet coke because I'm on a diet? If I was on a diet, I would drink water and healthy drinks. Just because it has the word diet doesn't mean I am dieting.
6. "Why don't you just drink regular coke then?"
I like the taste of Diet Coke better, thank you!!
7. "Diet Coke can stain your teeth."
So does wine, so does coffee, so does regular soda, so do acidic fruits. Get the point?
Stop judging me for my addiction! I admit I drink a lot of diet coke, but you have things that you're not proud of either.