Every time that I get sick and I don't wear makeup for the week I always think something will change. I think I’ll find that confidence I need to go bare faced, my acne will clear up and I'll have that fresh glow. That being said, I'm not the type of person that has never left my house without makeup on. I’m perfectly fine with letting the world see what I actually look like. I probably have at least 10 pictures on my Instagram where I’m not wearing any makeup at all. However, in a professional environment such as the schools that I work in or anywhere that I need to be presented in front of others for my job, I do feel like I need makeup on to maintain that professional look. I recall one day I went to school without makeup on and a student said "why do you look like that? You look really tired."
Yes, I guess I do look pretty different without makeup on. Most people don't wake up with bronzer, gold eyeshadow and black winged eyeliner on. I like the way I look without makeup but I also don’t feel completely comfortable without makeup on in every situation. As I mentioned before in this article, I always think that something amazing will happen after I stop wearing makeup.The fact of the matter is, I don’t feel different. I like putting makeup on. When I don’t wear makeup for a week, I don’t feel any different. Makeup makes me feel good, it makes me feel fresh and attractive and I feel ready to take on the day when I have a fresh face of makeup on. I’m not saying everyone has to be this way, but I hate to see girls judging others for wearing or not wearing makeup. If I’m at the gym on a Saturday after just waking up, you can best believe you’ll see the bags under my eyes and my non-existent lashes. I like that I’m comfortable with both but I don’t see anything wrong with preferring myself with makeup on. It’s all about being comfortable in the self you choose to present to the world.
Without makeup:
The most extra selfie with my face done up to impress the gods themselves: