If your family is anything like mine, then you have a lot of siblings, most of which (or all of them) are significantly older than you, you watched them get married, and now you have the honor of being an Aunt. Even if that’s not your exact family dynamic, if you’re an Aunt, there’s no question that it is one of the most amazing and life changing things to ever happen to you.
I became an Aunt when I was 13 years old. As the youngest of five and age differences of 16, 14, 10, and 6 years between me and my siblings, I had always wanted a little brother or sister. Of course, I had stopped asking my parents years before any of my nieces or nephews were born because, let’s face it. I’m the youngest of five. I figured out pretty quickly that there was basically no chance of that ever happening.
When my first niece, Kaitlyn, was born in November 2009, to say I was excited would be an understatement. I had very little experience with babies and she seemed so fragile to me to the point I was afraid of adjusting my position whenever I held her. My siblings, of course, were all experts by this point because each of them had grown up taking care of at least one baby, so I had a lot to learn.
I learned how to feed her, burp her, and even change her diapers. The diapers took some getting used to, but I eventually became immune to just about any disgusting circumstance. In addition to taking care of her, I got to watch her grow and develop a personality and interests of her own. I got to see her learn how to walk and talk and I got to share my interests with her. Of course, she wasn't alone for too long.
In 2012 my second niece, Grace, was born, making Katie a big sister, and my brother also got married that summer. The next year, my first nephew, John, was born in December 2014 and Katie and Grace had a little brother. Just under 2 months later my niece and Goddaughter, Frances, was born. She then became a big sister to Nora in 2015 not too long after my OTHER sister got married and had twin boys, William and James this past summer.
If you had trouble keeping track of all of that, I certainly don’t blame you. My family has been centered around weddings and babies since 2008 and up until this past month, when my last of three sisters got married. It’s safe to say that pattern has held up pretty well over the past few years. (However, I can promise that the next wedding that happens will not be for a VERY long time.)
Among all that confusion (and sometimes chaos), my already big family has gotten even bigger and I wouldn’t want it any other way. I used to HATE being the youngest and I saw absolutely no benefit in having my sister being married and moved out when I was only 11. A part of me felt cheated, but that was before I became an Aunt.
I wasn’t cheated. I was blessed. Whenever I babysit them, I get to see the world through the eyes of children as they try to make sense of it all. I get to help them on that journey. I get to be a role model for them. I’m obviously still trying to figure it out for myself. I am only 20 years old, so I know I’m no expert. However, I know, to them, I have some wisdom to give and I will do everything I can to help them and guide them.
Being able to interact with them and see how different their personalities and interests are is one of the greatest joys of my life. I get to bond with Katie, Grace, and John over Star Wars and just about anything Disney. Katie has gone as far as to tell me she wants to get a nose ring one day like me (which my mother is not too thrilled about), but I love hearing that she wants to be like me, somewhat. Grace and Frances are to sassy for their own good and they are trouble when they get together, but they also make me laugh myself to tears. And Nora, William, and James are still the babies of the bunch, so I'm still watching them grow all the while being insanely adorable.
I’m not perfect. Anyone who knows me knows I’m short tempered and impatient. It’ s surely something my kiddies (that’s what I refer to them as) are well aware of when they’ve caught me on a bad day. Yet, they are the most forgiving and loving bunch and I don’t know what I did to deserve them. I look forward to watching them all grow (at the same time—I don’t because I want them to stay babies forever) and the memories I get to make with them. That’s the great thing of having grown up with a large family. I have plenty of heart to love each and every one of my kiddies with.