Graduation season is here and most of us high school grads take this time to reminisce on our glory days. The all-star athletes and the "popular" kids post their throwback pictures on social media with captions somewhere along the lines of "take me back." I, for one, do not want to be taken back.
High school was horrible and I am glad to be free from the prison they somehow pass as a learning facility. It was corrupt, the kids were mean, and the teachers played favorites. There are some people, however, that would do anything to be back in high school dominating the halls. These are the people who won homecoming queen and somehow managed to pass their classes without actually doing any work. These are the kids who got the special treatment. These are the people who peaked in high school.
These kids are the ones who are old enough to be out at the bars but are still showing up at high school parties, and that didn't go away to school because they're "not ready to leave."
I am not one of those kids.
I cried on my graduation day, but I got over it real quick. High school was OK. I was an athlete and a good student, but I moved on to the next stage. I did not peak in high school and I don't believe that anyone can peak in high school. Yes, this contradicts everything I said, but let me explain. The kids who "peak" in high school are the kids who give up. They don't believe anything can be better and they don't let themselves grow up.
I'm not sorry that I graduated, and I can't wait to graduate again. Life is all about growing and challenging yourself. If you want to succeed, you have to push yourself to your limits. It's not easy, but if you try, you will surprise yourself.
To the people who believe they peaked in high school: guess what, you didn't. You are all full of potential and you have the ability to go down whichever path you desire in life if you're willing to work for it.
For a while, I thought I peaked in high school. I got to college and I didn't love it. I quit the crew team and my grades slipped. I convinced myself that college wasn't for me, and that the high school me was the best I was ever going to be. It took me a whole year to realize I was wrong. I did not peak in high school and I still haven't peaked. In fact, I don't think anyone ever actually has their peak.
I believe that if you keep pushing yourself and continue to work for the things you want, you will never peak. Life will throw obstacles at you, but you will always be able to overcome them. Don't ever hit your peak.