Diary Of A Tech Girl: The Technology Student Association | The Odyssey Online
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Diary Of A Tech Girl: The Technology Student Association

How the Technology Student Association has impacted my life for the better.

Diary Of A Tech Girl: The Technology Student Association
Technology Student Association

Many people may think that participation in extracurricular activities or school organizations are not important at the high school level, but they happen to be vital to the success of today's youth. One organization that I am proud to be a part of is the Technology Student Association, mainly referred to as TSA. At a first glance, TSA may seem as though you have to know everything about the latest technology and how to use it, but there is something available for everyone, no matter what skill level.

My very first year in TSA, I walked into the technology lab at my middle school as an apprehensive sixth grader. I had no idea what trials and triumphs were ahead of me in the coming years. One of the first events I ever competed in was called Essays on Technology, an event where the coordinators give you a topic and you are required to write a five-page-or-less essay on that specific topic. The very first topic that was given that year was how technology was influencing ethics in businesses, a topic that a 12-year-old typically wouldn't know too much about. After struggling to research as much as I could on that topic, I ended up placing sixth in the state of Florida. For my first year, I was ecstatic, and that sparked something in me that made me want to try even harder the next year.

I began to take up more events in the years to follow. Some required interviews, some required presenting in front of judges, but they all required dedication. In those years, I made countless friends from around the state that made my experience in TSA even more memorable. I have also noticed an improvement with my grades and my schoolwork because I've obtained organization and leadership skills.

As I go into my fifth year in TSA, I will use the skills that I have used in past years, as well as some that I will gain this year, towards new topics and ideas. I want to strive for this year to be the very best in terms of competitions, as well as most memorable. Additionally, I want to encourage new members that I meet to stick with this organization and that it will pay off in the end. As for Essays on Technology, I ended up winning second place in the state my eighth grade year, and third place in the state for my first year in high school.

The next time someone asks me 'What do you get out of TSA?' I want to be able to tell them about this amazing journey of leadership conferences and all-nighters before a competition. Most of all, I want to stress how important it is to stick to something you love because in the end, it's the memories that are what you'll cherish the most. However, my TSA journey hasn't ended yet, so here's to many more years of memories!

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