Every New Years' Eve, a typical sorority girl makes a resolution to be beach ready by spring break. We all seem so motivated to loose that freshmen 15, sophomore 30 or however much weight we have all gained because lets face it we all gain weight in college. We tell everyone that we're going to eat clean, work out twice a day and give up soda till after spring break. Lets face it though, does this actually ever happen? No. Well with spring break around the corner it is time for every girl to start swimsuit shopping and preparing for next weeks beach trip. This is where most girls panic. “What happened to my spring break diet?”
Well ladies let's think about this, this is how a typical spring break diet goes. The first week is great. You are on top of your game and feeling great. Then the second week comes around and you are so tired and busy so you think well ill eat out twice this week, maybe cut out a few workouts. Then it is the third week, you eat chipotle two or three times a week, well you think but you lose count. After the first month you think that you'll get back on the diet but lets get real, it doesn't happen. Well here it is, the week before spring break and now you realize how that spring break diet of chipotle went and what it did to you. Pure panic takes over and these girls go nuts. Well everyone this week you will see all of these girls in the gym twice a day and only eating egg whites and salad till they land on the beach. Beware gym regulars, it is going to be a packed week so plan accordingly. Girls, better luck next year. This is the diary of a sorority girls' spring break diet.