This is going to be short, however there is a lot to say.
I didn't always want to be an Resident Assistant (RA), However when I got into the midst of my freshman year, I started to develop this desire to become an RA. I wanted to be and RA more than anything. So I did the first thing someone would think to do, I applied.
After my application was sent in, I waited until the group interviews. I was really nervous and not to mention that I was sick with strep during my group interview. I remember one of my really good friends who was an RA, to just be myself. How could I fully be me when I was sick with strep. I was feeling death during this whole interview. I then went in for my individual interviews where I felt pretty comfortable leaving.
Fast forward to the hiring stage. I didn't get hired right away, I was actually hired as an alternative the first time around. The funny thing is I was content with that. I remember praying and telling the Lord that I would be content either way. So not getting hired right away was definitely a test of truth. I truly believe that the Lord wanted to see if I was true to what I was praying. I then worked in the Res Life Office during the summer, where I then got hired on staff. I was beyond happy, I couldn't believe that it was actually happening.
I was going to be an RA.
I spent most of the summer excited about what the year had in store for me, and before I knew it, staff training was right around the corner.