On Wednesday nights, I work as a junior high leader and lately, my heart has been pricked about how prevalent insecurities are among the students. I can see through their brave faces covering a world of hurt. They struggle to understand how valuable and loved they are. Yet, it’s not only a burden within the parameter of teenagers – it’s a darkness we all encounter.
As my heart was burdened by this darkness that covers so many of us, I recounted the devastating effects insecurities can introduce – lack of self-worth, suppression of potential, apathy and others. In every situation, it was so evident to me how great a role the devil played in these disasters. My stomach turned in the wake of such truth.
The devil manipulates our insecurities, turning a subtle doubt into an entire loss of self-worth. When his work is complete, we’ve entirely stopped believing in ourselves. We all struggle with a subtle doubt in ourselves and it isn’t necessarily a bad thing. We should be aware of our imperfection; however, we should not dwell in it. Where we fall short, God always exceeds. Insecurities are merely temptations to doubt God’s unfailing abilities. Should we believe that God is incapable, we will bury the value and purpose He has instilled in us.
This is how the devil works. He will attack you where you are most vulnerable.
If he can pressure you to believe that you’re failing as a mother, you will drown in the fear of your insignificance. You will merely tend to the bare minimum of your child’s needs, never bothering to teach them respect and Godly principals.
If the devil can prompt you to believe that you’re inadequate, you will sacrifice your potential to hide in self-pity. You will live a colorless life, never succeeding, never finding real joy.
If he can persuade you that your life has absolutely no value, he will watch in bliss as you take it. This is the most heart-breaking result of his work. If you choose to take yourself out of this world, the world is less of a place because of it. There is less joy; less potential; less beauty. Yet, as the world continues to lose beautiful people, it will never change for good. That’s how the devil wins.
The path he leaves behind is scattered with so much sorrow. He wreaks havoc simply by manipulating our insecurities, which distracts us from our God-given purpose. The result? A world full of doubting Christians, too afraid to do anything.
Ultimately, if he can make you feel worthless, you’ll never find your value in Christ and that gives him so much joy. I imagine he is furious by the love Christ showed us at the cross. He’s probably a little jealous too, because what he can offer will never compare to what believers find in Christ. But, the only way he can offer something greater is if we never enter into what Christ has to offer. So when people doubt the value they have in Christ, the devil wins.
Rather, let us fully enter into the value we have in Christ, because when we put on the identity of Christ, the devil can’t even compete. With the power we have in Christ, we can build confidence by conquering our insecurities – because when we are weak, He is strong. He is greater than our doubts. He is far more powerful than the devil’s schemes. Conquer your insecurities and live in Christ’s victory today. Stop doubting yourself – you are more valuable than you will ever understand.
Psalm 139:13-16 (New Living Translation)
13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
16 You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
before a single day had passed.