Remember the good ole' days where you used to send your Kodak camera into CVS/Walgreens just to get your photos developed? Ahh, those were the days. Now we keep everything digitally on our cell phones, for convenience. I think having everything digital, doesn't capture the memories as well as a developed photo. Sure you can have them saved to your laptops, but what about printing those digital pictures out? To physically have a photo, then find them during 'spring cleaning' is one of the best feelings. Even keeping them in a photo album is great! Technology changed all of that, the younger generation will never know how meaningful it is to take a photo and keep in with you or to put it in a scrapbook, or hang on your dresser mirror! It's taking the fun out of everything. Luckily, there's an app called Photo Print by Walgreens. You can click all the photos you want to be developed and have them printed out for .29 cents per photo, how cheap! If you miss the traditional pictures or want to make a scrapbook, go for it! Developed photos are so much more fun to keep, they won't get deleted or lost when you get a new phone. It's great to keep some things basic and old school.
“Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.”
― Marc Riboud