Leroy Baca was a Los Angeles County Sheriff until it was said that he had played an active role in “a scheme to block an FBI investigation into Los Angeles County jails” (ABC7’s Elex Michaelson). According to ABC7, Leroy Baca will be “sentenced by a federal judge on July 11.” However, Leroy Baca is currently diagnosed with a devastating disease, the Alzheimer’s.
Alzheimer’s disease has been observed to be caused by the shrinkage of brain cells, which leads to memory loss. Unfortunately, even though Leroy Baca is currently in the early stages of Alzheimer’s, the disease will most likely get worse as he grows older. It will be difficult for him and his family to cope with the symptoms as the disease impairs him from doing daily activities and speaking with others. Because of his diagnosis, Baca’s attorneys are advocating for easier access to medical attention by merely putting him on probation.
Many people whom I have talked to concerning this case have argued that Baca is using the disease as an excuse to avoid federal prison. In fact, ABC7 even stated that “he lied to federal investigators during an interview in 2013” and “his attorney admitted that Baca had failed his community and his career was over.” What struck me was that a few people actually said that he did not deserve a lenient sentence of probation and that he should go through the six months of prison even if medical attention could not reach him. These words hurt me – as a volunteer at a senior center, I have talked with a few elderly who were also diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. These people were sweet, beautiful people who shared with me bits of memories that they struggle to cling onto. It hurts to see these people go through Alzheimer’s and my full support goes to those who have victims of the disease.
It is indeed true that Leroy Baca did make lies/offenses and that justice should prevail. However, his current state is devastating and he may be influenced by the negativity of social media, which may even affect his psychological state. Social media’s bashing comments are already a burden for any person who is targeted. Imagine the pain, fear and guilt that Baca might feel when he is spoken to negatively – and the Alzheimer’s disease makes things worse. I have read many comments online written by people who think they’re funny to make a joke out of this situation. Some commented in a disrespectful way that because he has this disease, he will soon forget his crimes since Alzheimer’s will affect ones memories. This is extremely rude to Leroy Baca and victims of Alzheimer’s disease. The Alzheimer’s disease is not something to be joked around with.
It is already difficult enough for Baca to cope through these trials of the Alzheimer’s disease, so any words of hostility should be kept away. Support, kindness and compassion are needed, and even though Leroy Baca committed crimes, he did spend his time serving our community.