The Detroit Lions. My hometown professional football team. Why do I still even follow them? To be frankly honest, I don't have a valid reason. Almost every year, the Lions have disappointed us by always coming up short of the playoffs or even going 0-16. It is very hard to be a Lions fan, but I just can't help it. No matter what, every Sunday I will be watching them play, hoping for a victory and hoping that there is hope. And because of this hope I have, I will start a discussion on whether or not they will make a postseason appearance this year. First off, There has been an improvement in Detroit with our quarterback, Matthew Stafford. Even with Calvin Johnson retiring, Stafford has taken over and done a nice job handling the pressure that comes his way and has lead us to some great victories earlier this year. His receivers have been good with him and last week against the Rams, Him and Golden Tate seem to be back on the same page. Our defense has come up clutch on some Fourth quarter picks to put away some hard fought victories. Even our kicker, Matt Prater is making his field goals when we need them. Coaching has been solid with Jim Caldwell and we seem to be heading in the right direction. But I don't want to speak too soon. There is still 10 more games left in the season.
Anything can go wrong. In fact, this early in the season, we are 3-3 and we have gotten lucky on some of our wins, but we have also lost games that we should've won. Yes, I mean losing to the Titans and the Bears. Although we lost to two crappy teams, we are still in good shape seeing that the Packers are struggling right now. But knowing Aaron Rodgers, he may bring the Packers back into it. What surprises me most is the success of the Minnesota Vikings. Since when did they get so good. They don't even have Adrian Peterson as their running back right now. That's the thing about the NFL. Almost every year, miracles can happen out of the blue and different teams can make a run towards greatness. That is where I pray for the Lions. I almost wonder how much longer I can put myself through this. Although I get pissed at the Lions every single week I watch them play, I still have one thing that most Detroit fans lost the past couple of years. That thing is hope. I feel like with hope and proper guidance, the Lions can make a run this year. What we need are the miracles we have been getting recently with our fourth quarter comebacks, and a good final stretch in the regular season to put the icing on the cake. Detroit Lions, Good luck.