On November 5th, 2013, the brave filmmaker, Jason Steele and his loyal crew at FilmCow set on an epic fundraising quest to seek their treasures to fund the greatest American motion picture of all time, "Detective Heart of America: The Final Freedom." They started out with a modest goal of $18,000. Little did they know that their brave and treacherous quest would prove to be undeniably successful. They were able to collect over $43,000. Jason Steele and his crew honorably declared these 1,621 backers "patriots and heroes." However, It would take 1 year, 9 months, and 11 days for the feature motion picture to be released to the glorious American people...oh and the rest of the world, they're cool too.
On August, 16th, 2015, the bravest American warriors arrived with their glorious motion picture in color, and it was magnificent. With only the use of puppets, weird costumes, ceramic statues and other inanimate objects, random locations, a confusing plot, and ping-pong dialogue. Put all that together and you got the most imaginative, creative, and spectacular story ever put to digital film stock.
Based on the glorious web series that appropriately only lasted for 2 episodes, Steele and his FilmCow crew crafted a beautiful and epic tale about fighting for the American people as their country is on the brink of disappearing forever. Its cheapness is its charm, it uses it's confusing plot to its comedic advantage, and it's characters are so funny, colorful, and vibrant they can give sight to the blind.
It's one of the greatest comedies in existence, and it's completely free to watch on YouTube thanks to the generous folks at FilmCow. I highly recommend this perfect piece of cinematic greatness.