We all love the exciting pace and entertainment of living a college lifestyle, but sometimes it can just become too much. Sometimes we need to remember to sit back, relax, and unplug life. Here are a few tips and tricks on how to destress and keep your mind decluttered this semester.
1. Breathe
Don't just stand there and breathe in and out repeatedly. Think about it, maybe sit down and close your eyes. Try not to think about anything, just take a few deep breaths and continue about your day.
2. Spend time alone
As impossible as this may seem, try to get a little while to be by yourself. I know walking around and going about your day without your friends by your side can feel weird, but sometimes it's actually pretty nice. You start thinking more, maybe enjoying/noticing how nice the weather is, etc.
3. Have a girls night
At the same time that it's good to be by yourself, depending on your situation, you may want people around. That's when it becomes really awesome to remember you have roommates. All you have to do is go home and you're around your closest friends and ready to have a girls night.
4. Take a step back
Sometimes you just need to take a step back. Even with as much fun as your having, it is possible to have too much on your plate. Prioritize what matters most to you to what you know you need to take out of your life for now and act on it.
Basically, it's midway through the fourth week of school. We're all feeling the weight of school on our shoulders, just remember to keep your mind decluttered and healthy by not stressing this semester. Find what works for you and stick with it, it helps immensely!