Do you have those friends that you stick around just because you want them to like you? You feel validated by their acceptance of you. You feel better knowing that they think you're cool. They're typically sucky people. The ones you stick around for validity are normally the ones who aren't good friends to you. You create this vision in your head of their cool factor, and you want in on that. So you accept their red flags instead of demanding better.
You let these people run your life. You let them make decisions for you. You do things because they want to do them, not because you want to. Maybe it puts your safety at risk. You decide that conformity is preferable to individuality. You deny your uniqueness, you mold to your friend, you lose your own shape.
I don't want you to hang out with these people. I don't want you to lose your self-identity by placing your definition in the hands of a friend who does not care enough about you. I want you to be with people who love you. People who do not treat you well do not deserve your friendship. I don't want you to feel like you have to hop through hoops to earn someone's respect and love and friendship. You shouldn't have to do things for your friends to get them to like you. Don't place your worth in the hands of a "cool" person. Keep your worth. Decide on your friendships for yourself.
I don't think it's mean to not hang out with certain people because they treat you badly. Yes, you should try to be nice to everyone. But you should not let your self worth, love, or identity be damaged by your relationships. Your mental and emotional health come before destructive friendships. You don't have to ignore those people forever. Say hi if you see them on the sidewalk. Just don't go out with them knowing that they have the intention of leaving you later on.
You deserve to be surrounded by people who love you for you. You deserve to fill your space with people who celebrate your quirks and understand your individuality. You deserve to be treated better by others. And you better treat yourself better by demanding what you deserve.