To my long distance boyfriend.
Over 100 miles away is far.
But that sweet smile and that goofy but attractive personality of yours is not something that can just be forgotten.
You’re my one of a kind.
In this season of life, residing in another state.
But ultimately, you, as a whole, are worth it.
College is college and school is hard as usual.
We have those weeks that get the best of us.
We get stressed.
Emotionally drained.
We don’t get to see each other four out of the seven days of the week.
Something we are not used to.
A time slot when we need each other the most.
I am not able to live out those little moments of joy, anger, sadness, or laughter with you during the week.
Not in person at least.
But our weekends have become a time we value.
And for that, I have become overflowed with thankfulness.
I have become more reliant on the Lord; thankful for His assured provisions for me.
I am more thankful that although we are not with each other in person, FaceTime dates and calls allow us to share the best and worst moments of our day.
God bless FaceTime.
I am more thankful that distance has ultimately made us stronger and better people.
I am more thankful for your patience and kindness.
I am more thankful for you and the person you have become.
I am more thankful that distance does not define who we are.
Most importantly, I am thankful that depth over distance is a mindset that has become permanent for us.
Because although distance is one of the most difficult things we have had to endure, you are worth it.