Feelin like I’m sitting cold in a shower with my clothes on.
Wake up, yup its just me, alone sitting cold in a hot a shower with nothing but my voices.
I can hear them pushing themselves further and further into my skull.
Will they ever leave? Probably not. Guess I’ll just deal for another millenia.
I begin to stare at a finite point in a room,
My eyes begin to twitch from side to side.
I start to realize what’s going on
And literally shake myself out of it.
Waiting for an answer to questions that may have no reaction.
Time and time again I wonder, does trying even matter?
Will they like me? Why should I care?
Pains cover my body as I begin to shiver. Is it cold in here?
My eyes begin to blur, why is that?
The bottle in my hand is coffee right?
I go back to what I know, what I was told is the right thing.
Do these constant changes even matter now, will what I say to this
New person even help. Or will the cycle begin again.
I feel unfinished and unkempt.
It’s as if I’m just a black hole waiting to filled with light.
Will the light ever come, or will I be filled with emptiness forever?