Many are diagnosed with depression, but is it anything new in our culture? It is a nebulous concept, still misunderstood and given a poor reputation. Mental health is brushed under the rug, never to be attended to; far too often it is only ignored.
So what is depression?
Simple! Looking at it from a neurological standpoint, it’s been regarded as a lack of serotonin. It can also mean a lack of dopamine, but that condition is more often viewed as ADD. One’s mood and cognition is how they feel and who they are. It is largely affected by one’s diet and of course biology.
Is Depression Permanent?
No. One may change their body’s chemistry through their diet and cognitive behavioral therapy.
Every single thing that a person consumes affects who they are and how they feel. A lack of serotonin or dopamine may be hereditary, but it is also important to remember that one may change. A person never stays the same. We constantly change, adapt, and evolve. Biologically, we are a completely new person every seven years.
How to Change?
Simple! A change of diet is most important in this endeavor. EVERYTHING we eat affects us. Everything we consume is a drug that alters our chemistry. So the first step is to eat healthier. It will give the opportunity for one to then make more progression.
Things to eat more:
- Fruit
- Vegetables
- Water
- Meat
- Chocolate (though not a ton)
Things to eat less:
- Fast food
- T.V. Dinners
- Frozen Foods
- Soda
- Anything with poor nutrition
There are also natural vitamins one may take in order help their body/mind out. In fact, there is a whole array:
- -L Tyrosine
- -L Glutamine
- -Taurine
- -Omega 3-6-9
- -Green Tea Extract
- -Bacopa
- -Gaba
- -Grape Seed Extract
- -DHA
- -Vitamins A-D
- -Vitamin B6 (to promote vivacity)
The most important drug in life is EXERCISE, though. It works wonders for mental health. Our bodies are meant to be active. The mind thanks us with a rush of endorphins and positivity!
Another important facet of alleviating depression is cognitive behavioral therapy. In essence, it is someone to listen to you and reprogram your mind into processing more positive thoughts for yourself. This, however, may be performed yourself. Take out a sheet of paper and write down a list of all the positive aspects and things you cherish in your life. Remain smiling!
Lastly, stay active! And not in the sense of exercise, but keep your mind active and occupied. Positive friends are key to a happier life. Everyone needs someone to talk to and express their feelings to. An open ear works wonders.
Do not believe that you are a 'failure' just because society and culture says you are. There are certain expectations in Capitalist society, but they are not true for everyone. Getting a high paying job does not make you a better person. Being rich is not the end goal in life. Let go of expectations and do what makes you happy!