Dear who ever is reading this,
Here we are again. One of the most difficult times in your life. I know you feel like giving up. But just remember you were that happy girl a week ago. You were alive and felt light. You finally saw happiness and I know right now your struggling but you have to power in you to bring back that happiness. You can choose to not let this time in your life bother you. You are okay. You are still here and you are still fighting. I am so so so so glad you are here and with me on this journey.
That voice in your head that is what is controlling you. Not people its your feelings on the situation that make you feel depressed or not enough . Don't let it control you. But girl let me tell you. You are beautiful, you are talented, you are strong, you are capable but most importantly, you are enough. Go eat the dang meal! Embrace it. I know your struggling with realizing who your true friends are. Well guess what many people don't have the same friends they do now when they were in high school. But you didn't tell yourself that, someone else did. Don't let this time In your life define you. You are okay. Maybe you need to realize that that girl that you thought was your friend was just using you. Because if she was your best friend she wouldn't walk all over you. Your okay.
You are in control of you. You are in control of the this situation. Let it go. Just accept it. Life is tough but you are tougher. Every time you have a situation like this it always brings you back to your depression and anxiety. But that is not who you are. You are not the problems in your life. I know you haven't found all the Answers you are looking for out there but they are there. I promise. Your only human. Every human has battles and troubles they have to face. Because these hard times make you who you are. This stuff you are going through is temporary. It will pass. But you need to give yourself credit because you have faced almost everything and you are still here and still fighting.
You will not give up no matter how hopeless you feel. Because you have your whole entire life ahead of you. I'm am so proud of you. You may be the reason someone else is staying on the earth because they see you strength and your strength give them strength to keep on fighting. I know I have said it once but you really do have the power in you to make today amazing. Don't be afraid to be happy. But also don't let other people's thoughts control you into not being happy. I'm so so proud of you. You are getting better. You may not want to realize it but from the day you were so hopeless and you were ready to just give up and you were in such a deep hole. To now. You have that sparkle in you that I have not seen in a while. You are becoming you again. Maybe not the same you but a stronger version of you. And I truly see that. You are becoming stronger and better. I am so proud of you and you should be proud of you too. As I conclude this letter I want you to realize that you are never ever alone. Getting fully better does not happen overnight. You have to keep pushing through your battles. Also know that God loves you and he is with you every step of your of your battles. Don't be afraid to be happy. I love you. Please continue to fight. You got this.