In all aspects of life in today's society, many of us can find that technology is constantly making an appearance in one way or another. Especially as a student, I can't help but feel as if I'm constantly tied to either my laptop or my cellphone for either professional or personal reasons. After giving this some further thought, I've come to a handful of conclusions regarding how this dependency is taking its toll on my life. Here are just some of the effects that I've personally experienced through living hand in hand with technology.
One of the biggest challenges I face in regards to my technology usage is constantly allowing myself to become distracted. Even currently, as I write this article, I can't help but cycle between various websites whenever I pause to think; Likewise, I am constantly urged to check my phone to keep myself in the know of any updates on literally anything at all times. Not only does this take away from my focus and dedication on certain obligations and projects, but I also feel as if it takes away from simply experiencing life. Far too often, I find myself neglecting my attention toward the world around me, in all environments. This can clearly be seen as a commonality amongst the majority of individuals as we pass each other by on the street, sit near each other on public transportation, etc. Nearly all have a phone or device in hand. Personally, this comes from my need to constantly feel like I'm taking advantage of every free moment I have by staying busy. However, with giving this idea more and more acknowledgment, I wish to strive to be more conscious of and connected to the world around me -- to be more disconnected from my distractions.
With technology, our methods of communication have been reimagined time and time again over the years. Nowadays, we can see how much less we communicate wholeheartedly toward one another; Rather, we are more comfortable with simple text messages and social media posts, while phone calls seem to occur more and more infrequently. In my personal experiences, I have found that this sort of communicational norm creates an ideology of seeking to create a large network of connections, yet not actually have a genuine, caring relationship established. Social media exemplifies this incredibly well, as we are rewarded with "likes" and "followers." Online dating is another perfect example of a decrease in human to human interaction. Although I think it is wonderful to have these opportunities connecting us to the world around us, I personally would like to strive to create genuine, meaningful, deeply-rooted relationships that offer love and support. I absolutely believe it is possible to attain these through means of technology, but for me, personally, I need the manifestation and dependability of an interpersonal relationship.
As if time management wasn't difficult enough as a college student, it seems that any extra moments I have are spent scrolling through social media time and time again. The worst part is, this has become purely habitual. Although I find myself completely disinterested in most things I see while occupying myself on my phone or device, it is now routine. I struggle with this fact, and I aspire to alter my habits. I aspire to spend more time doing the things I am passionate about. I aspire to spend more time with the people I love. I aspire to spend more time being truly immersed in the world around me. I aspire to take action and use my time for meaningful endeavors. Most of all, I aspire to be present, fully-engaged, and living in the moment.
I firmly believe that these aspirations begin with a change, and I intend on loosening the grip technology holds on my life in order to do so.