Denial is a word gotten the word denied. Denied means to refuse something it someone. Denial then means the act of refusing or saying No to someone or something.
Self-denial occurs when someone constantly doubt,and refuse to believe something or someone. Self-denial can also be said to be self-sacrifice,the denial of one's own interests and needs; self-sacrifice. A denial that does no good to anyone either around you or to you it's bad for you, denial comes when one or someone has not fully accepted his or her personality and character,when you accept yourself for who you are,what you are,who you can be,what you desire to be ,then you find out that your path to progress to success will be very smooth and less rough. Everyone has self denial we all have gotten up this morning to tell ourselves that we can't make it,wecan't do it,even if we do it they won't recognise us,people can't see you and know you,people don't understand you. Those are doubt,why do you care what people think about you, Yes let them make the fact that you are the best but also keep in mind the fact that when you doubt yourself,you tend to do more harm than good to yourself. Positive Thinking brings Positive Results but Negative thinking gives us the other side of the Positive Results and then we begin to struggle,we don't meet a target why because we we have woken up this morning and our first thought was I'm just not good enough, TRY to accept yourself for who you are,Don't doubt yourself if you want to do it go ahead and do it, YOU CAN DO IT