The all so legendary battle between our two party political system, Republicans vs Democrats, red vs blue, Donkey vs. Elephant, Liberal vs Conservative, I could go on and on. This is my second installment of the "How we got here series" where I outline well, how we got here. I believe it's important to know the baseline of our past in order to determine where we will be in the future and that is the purpose of this series. Now lets skip the meaningless lemon scented hand towels at this 5 star restaurant I call this series, and get on to the meat and potatoes....
The above title might confuse you if you aren't a Kendrick Lamar fan,or a Jesse Ventura enthusiast, but I'll break it down for you simply the verse goes;
"The streets don’t fail me now, they tell me it's a new gang in town From Compton to Congress, it’s set trippin’ all around Ain’t nothin' new but a flow of new DemoCrips and ReBloodlicans Red state versus a blue state, which one you governin’?"
What both K Dot and Jesse Ventura are saying in their song and book respectively, both parties are being bought and sold by corporate lobbyists and interests groups. These interest groups influence your senators, governors, mayors, hell even presidential candidates. Because of this our government has divided its nation in to territories with rivaling ideologies like gang territories, you get the metaphor yet? Our government puts these sometimes warranted negative spins on gangs in America when really they do the same thing, except instead of bandanas they wear ties. The religious variable the conservative movement sometimes overexposes us to, has been the main focus of many of their, I feel, immoral speeches and ideologies. And it's gotten a whole lot worse as of late.
Both parties have done some heinous and immoral things, but the most judged and ridiculed are the conservative party, the ReBloodicans if you will. Now this article isn't going to bash the conservative movement by any means, but I will do is point out the facts, and express the alternate view point, so lets get started. As i write this today, the conservative movement has mad profound waves as the "Religious Freedom Bill" which was deemed the most bigoted anti-LGBTQ bill ever passed in North Carolina and by April 1, 2016 in Mississippi. Some conservatives have been known for expressing the things that they hate, it's an obvious statement. They hate Barack Obama for some reason, Obama-Care, and some very loudly hate the LGBTQ community and their right to be married. Some conservative's used to rally against pro-choice and segregation, and now the LGBTQ community is their target for firing practice. ReBloodican leaders have banned together now to pass a bill that allows judges, religious organizations, restaurants etc, to refuse the basic human right to be served or to be married because of their orientation.They do this for the reason of withholding the "American religious system" (Shaun King,2016).
This bill also protects medical personal, fertility clinics, dress makers, bakers, shoe makers to refuse to the serve people of the LGBTQ community. Okay call me too progressive, but doesn't this sound a bit familiar? *Cough* Jim Crow Laws *Cough*. Now I'm not saying ALL republicans feel this way that's why throughout this article I've qualified each statement with the word some, but look at what your conservative leaders are doing. They are literally stripping away the civil rights of human beings. Explain to me the difference between a black man in 1950 being turned away from a McDonald's because of his skin color, and a gay man being turned away from the same McDonald's in 2016 because he like men? There is none. I've argued many times over and over with conservative college students who say we are fighting for the same thing, but as a progressive my damn self, I don't want to be on the conservative side of this battle, the wrong side of history. This bill is far to similar to that of the Jim Crow Law and it makes me sick. Whether you're a proud DemoCrip or ReBloodican, whether you're a christian or atheist, didn't Jesus support the ridiculed? Didn't he surround himself with the marginalized and hated by society? (Shaun King, 2016). Shaun King says pitting this hatred off as Christian belief is a spit in the face of the most basic precepts of faith and I agree wholeheartedly. Do unto others as you would have them done unto you right?
For more from Shaun King and a more in depth look into this bill click here.
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