Senator Kirsten Gillibrand | The Odyssey Online
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A Woman Might Break The White House's Glass Ceiling In 2020

Is it time for a woman to, as Hillary Clinton said, break that "highest, hardest glass ceiling"?

A Woman Might Break The White House's Glass Ceiling In 2020

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Currently, there are six women running for the Democratic nomination in 2020. They mostly come from one chamber in Congress, the Senate. They all want to win the White House in 2020, and it sure may happen. The current women candidates are:

Senator Kamala Harris

Harris is a Senator from California. She was elected in 2016, after being the Attorney General in California from 2011 to 2017. She is the first Indian-American woman in the Senate and the only African-American woman currently serving in the Senate. She announced her candidacy on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Her parents were extremely involved in the Civil Rights Movement, so the day was extremely important to her. Her campaign features the colors of the first African-American to run for president, Shirley Chisholm. Before Bernie Sanders entered the race, she set the record for the most small-dollar donations in 24 hours, raising more than $1 million.

Senator Elizabeth Warren

Senator Warren represents Massachusetts in the upper chamber. She is one of the most liberal in Congress and has been a very outspoken critic of the President. Warren has promised to fight for the middle class in almost every ad she has posted. Her history mostly revolved around the economy and financing. She shepherded the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under President Obama. She has a grassroots tone to her campaign, similar to that of Bernie Sanders. She has been in the news for putting on her State Bar of Texas application that she was "American Indian," an identity Warren claimed several times early in her career and has since apologized for appropriating.

Representative Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi Gabbard is a Representative from Hawaii. Gabbard was the youngest person to be elected to the Hawaii legislature in 2002. Her background consists of being in the Army National Guard and serving two tours. She is the first Hindu to serve in Congress, and youngest woman to run for President. She supported Bernie Sanders in 2016, cutting herself from the rest of her party. She is the only female member of the House to enter the race so far.

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

Gillibrand was a member of the House but took over Hillary Clinton's Senate seat when she became Secretary of State. She announced her plans to run on "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert." She hasn't "officially" announced that she is running, she has only opened an exploratory committee which is basically saying you're going to run. She has been vocal for women's empowerment. She called on not only the president to resign for sexual assault allegations, she also was instrumental in getting Al Franken, a senator from her own party, to step down when he faced allegations of sexual assault. She has made it clear that she is running for families and says, "I'm going to fight for other people's kids as hard as I would fight for my own."

Senator Amy Klobuchar

Klobuchar is a Senator from Minnesota. She is the first female Senator elected from the state. She announced her candidacy in a blizzard on an island in the middle of the Mississippi River. She comes from the more moderate wing of the party and plans to win the midwest when she runs. She has seemed like one of the people who is liberal enough to win her base but also appeal to Republican and moderate voters. She flipped some of the reddest counties in her state blue. She has a reputation for being tough, especially on her staff. She has the highest turnover rate for staff in the Senate. She's not as widely known as some of the other candidates but has been able to win over voters from the opposing party in her state.

Businesswoman Marianne Williamson

Williamson is a businesswoman who has found her calling a spiritual guide. She advised Oprah back in the day and has sold several books throughout her career. She says she wants to be a political visionary for the country. She plans on bringing her spirit to the Oval Office and believes that you do not have to be a politician to win. She has a vision for the country and it involves working from the ground up and focuses on a future for today's children.

These women are sure gonna give it all for the nomination. After 2016, there has been a lot of energy behind getting a woman to run for the White House. This time, it won't be just one running, it will be six — maybe even more.

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