Last week, millions tuned in to watch republicans self-destruct at the Republican National Convention. This week, we should expect the same from the Democratic National Convention.
While the Republican National Convention wasn't a huge success, not even a little, should we expect the Democratic National Convention to be any different?
Many complaints of the RNC were that instead of talking about plans they had to improve the country, or "Make America Great Again", they focused more on bashing Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. CNN reported that on Tuesday night of the RNC, Donald Trump was mentioned 61 times by speakers, but Hillary Clinton was mentioned 79 times.
More complaints came after Donald Trump's acceptance speech that closed the convention. In his speech, Trump portrayed America as a dark, dangerous and scary place and many had to question if he was living in the same America that he was living in. Many people took to social media to say how afraid they were of the possibility of Trump stepping foot into the White House with that mindset.
On the eve of the start of the Democratic National Convention Debbie Wasserman Schultz, chair of the Democratic National Committee, announced she would step down at the end of the convention. This comes after 19,000 emails were published by Wikileaks on Friday. The emails prove what Bernie Sanders and his supporters have been claiming for months: The Democratic National Convention was rigged against him and did not want him to get the nomination.
The emails prove that throughout the primaries and caucuses held, the DNC favored Hillary Clinton the entire time. The emails released showed that the party had been conspiring against Bernie Sanders from the very beginning.
On Sunday, Bernie Sanders called for the resignation of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and later that day his demands were met. Now with the convention happening, Bernie Sanders is still expected to speak on Clinton's behalf and bring his voters over to her side in order to unite the party.
Although I do think Bernie Sanders will speak at the convention and call for the Democratic Party to be united, unlike Ted Cruz at the RNC, I don't think his supporters will jump on board. Bernie Sanders was their breath of fresh air in this year's election and knowing that he won't be the nominee because he was cheated, won't go over too well with them.
This email scandal has only further damaged the Clinton campaign and with Hillary already having her own email scandal on her belt, this isn't helping her. The DNC has four days to turn this narrative around into something positive for Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine. Hopefully they won't use much of their time bashing Donald Trump and instead set out plans for fixing America because that is what will win over undecided voters.
Live coverage of the Democratic National Convention starts Monday at 4 PM ET.