To My Fellow Democrats:
I have watched a division form amongst us…
This division started back in the early months of this year with the battle between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. I know that a lot of you were strongly for Bernie Sanders and with him not winning the presidential nominee, you guys have become somewhat bitter. I have sat back and observed with both eyes and ears the heartbreaking things you have said. Ever since Bernie Sanders did not win the presidential nominee, I have heard the constant famous line of, “I’m not voting.” This line is such a derogatory line to me, because this line basically means you will be giving up on your Democratic Party. I have even seen you post about voting for a whole different party affiliation, which breaks my heart even more because you are basically resigning as a fellow Democrat…
For me, from the start, I really did not know who I was going to vote for. For me, it was a really tough decision, because I both liked Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Each of them had strong pros about them, and even had cons as well. But ultimately, it was hard for me to decide. So, I supported both. I supported Bernie Sanders for his optimistic promises for the future of education and employment. I supported Hillary Clinton because of her husband’s past of great success economically for African Americans, her strong pro-ism for women’s rights and the fact that she would be the first woman to become president of the United States. So to me, both seemed beneficial.
But I see the views I have for Hillary is really not the majority view my Democratic community has of her. I honestly cannot see what is so bad about Hillary Clinton. What I really can’t understand is what is it about her that makes majority of you ready to just call it quits all together and not vote…
Can’t you guys see what will be in store for us if we don’t get out and vote and support Hillary Clinton when it comes for elections? We will have Donald Trump as our president. I know that not everyone in our party will come to agreement on Hillary Clinton, just like how everyone is not in agreement in the Republican Party on Donald Trump. But at least we see that the Republican Party majority-wise and strategically-wise are getting behind him.
We need to do the same for Hilary Clinton. Don’t we see how nice it was for us when we had President Barack Obama in office? There was a lot of calmness and opportunity for the Democratic Party. We need to be smart and jump on board behind Hillary Clinton to keep the Democratic influence in the White House.
If we don’t, we will be in for a world of trouble…
Donald Trump has been proven to have ties and support of the KKK. You thought the KKK organization was disbanded? Think again. We have seen Donald Trump display his racist views against the Hispanic community. We have seen the strong connection of Donald Trump promises and plans for America be linked to Hitler’s propaganda and strategies back in Germany. This man clearly has not had any political maturing since he has never held any type of job in the political world. Donald Trump is a messy individual who takes all of his opinions, business and deal-making onto social media. He has also said very sexist things to women he has come into discussion with. Open your eyes… we need to stand up and support Hillary Clinton!
If we don’t get out to vote, or simply just run to a third party in spitefulness against Hillary Clinton, we are only hurting ourselves and creating a dim future for ourselves. Please, my fellow Democratic community, let us band behind Hillary to ensure a hopeful future for ourselves.
Thank you.