Just recently, Demi Lovato released a new documentary on YouTube titled "Simply Complicated." This documentary outlines Demi’s struggles with drugs, alcohol, and her mental health. It is incredibly honest and raw. Demi definitely did not hold anything back in this documentary.
In the beginning of the documentary, Demi and those who are close to her uncover her childhood and the extreme pressure she was under as a childhood star. They explain that this pressure is what led her to become addicted to drugs and sent her into a dangerous downward spiral. They talk about different low points during Demi’s teenage years, like a suicide attempt and punching a backup dancer, that led her to rehab and trying to heal.
The latter portion of the short film shows how far Demi has come since those episodes (She is actually five years sober now) and how far she still has to go.
The most incredible part of this documentary is just how absolutely honest and open Demi is about her experiences with drugs and her struggles in her childhood. It is not very often that someone in the spotlight is so okay with letting people so far into their personal life. It is so refreshing and, in a way, uplifting.
What I mean is that it is so great to see that she has gone through all of these tough times and she is still able to come out of it strong and willing to continue the healing process.
Another thing I really loved about Demi’s story is that it was emphasized that she didn’t do it all alone and that she still isn’t fully healed. This shows others that may be going through the same thing that it is okay to ask for help as well as any step in the right direction is progress.
Also, throughout the documentary, you see bits and pieces of Demi in the studio, recording songs for her album "Tell Me You Love Me" that came out at the end of September. You get to see just how much she cares about her music. She truly pours her heart and soul into her craft and I definitely can tell when I am listening to her music.
Demi is an incredible role model for healing. She doesn’t put herself up on a pedestal and make people bow down to her. No, she knows that she still has a long road ahead of her, but she is so willing to help other people get on the path to wellness to walk alongside her.
I don’t know about you, but it is so refreshing to me to see someone that is will to say “No, getting better sucks, it’s so hard, and I have to fight my demons every day.” I feel like everyone is always so convinced that healing is easy and takes no time.
So, if you are struggling at all or if you want to see an incredible story of someone conquering their addictions, I would highly recommend watching "Simply Complicated." You won’t regret it.