Support Demi Lovato, But Do Not Enable Another Heroine Overdose | The Odyssey Online
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Support Demi Lovato, But Do Not Enable Another Heroine Overdose

Our society must learn the difference between helping and enabling addiction.

Support Demi Lovato, But Do Not Enable Another Heroine Overdose

On Tuesday morning, July 24th, Demi Lovato was found unconscious in her bed and was rushed to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center for an appeared heroine overdose. TMZ was first to break the news to the world and talking to LA law enforcement. Allegedly, Demi was out partying the night before with several friends for a birthday celebration, yet the majority of her friends were not with her the morning of her overdose.

When the paramedics arrived, Demi was revived with Narcan; Demi's friends had Narcan on hand in case of an emergency. Narcan (Naloxone) is a nasal spray that blocks the effects of opioids during an overdose. Demi was then uncooperative with the paramedics and refused to reveal which drugs she had taken. Law enforcement did not seize any drugs or drug paraphernalia in her home. Also, there will not be any criminal investigation since it can not be determined if Demi was in possession of any illegal drugs. A source close to Demi says that Demi did not overdose on specifically heroin, while LA law enforcement says that it was apparently heroine.

Demi Lovato's aunt shares that Demi is "awake and responsive" while in the hospital.Kerissa Webb Dunn / Facebook

During Demi Lovato's overdose, one of her friends called 911 asking for "no sirens please" but the 911 dispatcher is unable to do anything about that because it is an emergency. It is presumed that Demi's friends, staff, and security wanted to keep the incident private. Sources close to Demi say that the paramedics arrived just in time because Demi's overdose was lethal and "she could have died."

Demi Lovato's overdose was not a shock to her close friends or family. Weeks before her overdose, Demi's six years of sobriety ended and she began to abuse drugs again. Demi fired her sobriety coach, Mike Bayer, and accused him of betraying her. Demi's team tried to stage a drug intervention but Demi rejected the idea of going back to rehab. Allegedly, she tried to appear sober in order to avoid rehab but still continued to struggle and party. She also separated herself from those who wanted her to get help and surrounded herself with her party-goer friends. Demi's manager, Phil McIntyre, was apart of the intervention but ended his professional relationship with Demi months ago.

It was not a not a surprise that Demi Lovato broke sobriety. On June 21st, Demi released her song "Sober" which contains the lyrics "I'm so sorry, I'm not sober anymore." Demi was scheduled to perform in Atlantic City, NJ on July 26th, but Cheat Codes replaced her instead and dedicated their collaboration song "No Promises" to Demi. Demi was also going to perform a benefit concert in Toronto on July 29th, but that has been canceled. Fox also pulled her guest special appearance episode of "Beat Shazam" that was supposed to air on the night of her hospitalization.

Demi Lovato is still in the hospital and is reported to still be very sick according to sources. Her symptoms included nausea, a high fever, and many other things. Demi is still expected to make a full recovery, yet doctors are unsure of her release date. There is currently no talk of Demi heading to rehab after her release. While Demi is in need of rehabilitation, it is still her sole decision, not the hospital's or her family's.

Demi Lovato is still a role model because she has done amazing charity work, is a talented artist, and is a good person. No one is saying that drug addiction is a good thing, or that drug addicts are role models. Demi fans are just acknowledging that she is more than her addiction. When her fans describe her as a role model, they are looking up to the positive things Demi has done. Demi Lovato is more than a drug addict. People who are solely drug addicts are not role models, but they can overcome their addiction and be a beneficial member of society that others can look up to. Drug addicts can also educate others about the dangers of drugs and how they can ruin your lives. I also truly believe that drug addiction is a disease and science has proven that it is.

Social media messages to Demi Lovato, that can possibly be viewed as "enabling."

Demi though is not currently in the best shape to be a role model. She is struggling with her addiction and has relapsed. People make mistakes and are not perfect. I do not think that every single one of her fans should turn on her and leave. We need to support Demi during her struggle, but we also need to balance "supporting" and "enabling" her. Many of Demi's fans are writing messages on social media that Demi is "still perfect" and "did nothing wrong." Her fans are making excuses for her actions and blaming Demi's friends for Demi's addiction. Telling Demi that you love her "no matter what" is enabling her to overdose again. While you should still love her and hope that she gets better, you should still encourage Demi to go to rehab and overcome her addiction.

Ways to support Demi Lovato is to understand if she stays private while attending rehab. You can also share links to local rehab facilities and drug addiction programs. Also, you can educate others about how addiction is not a choice, but a disease. Lastly, sending Demi messages that you love her even though she relapsed. It is important that the addict knows that you still love them, but they need treatment for their addiction. Demi still deserves support, but you can't support her and her addiction.

Update: Demi's staff have threatened to quit if Demi does not get help. Demi has agreed to go to rehab and has released this statement via Instagram:

Demi Lovato's statement on her overdose. @ddlovato / Instagram

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