Demetrius Harmon speaks to University of Washington Students
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Demetrius Harmon talks mental health w/ UW students

Demetrius Harmon better known for his vines and skits under the cover name "Meech on Mars" visited UW students and shared insight on his struggles and experiences with mental health.

Demetrius Harmon talks mental health w/ UW students

When I got the notification on twitter from @DemetriusHarmon saying "Seattle! Hello! I shall be at University of Washington April 11th for my last lecture of the season. Don't miss this. Let's sell out." You bet I dropped everything and have never entered my card information for a purchase so fast in my life. I was really excited for this, I really needed to hear everything he had to share and everyone else in that room did too.

Fast forward one week and here I am two hours early standing in line with 500 other people anxious to see someone who spoke such truth and provoked thought and positivity in our lives. The doors open and in rushes the crowed of eager students to sit as close to the front as possible and the anticipation grows even more. Associated Students of the University of Washington (ASB for UW in normal people terms) introduced themselves and out came Demetrius with the biggest most contagious smile you've ever seen.

His talk began with gratitude, he said this was the largest crowd he had ever spoken in front of and you could tell he was a little nervous to start. Diving right in he spoke about his insecurities with things like the daily, weekly, yearly cycle of things we call "life." I really resonated with this part, he puts into perspective that we go to school to get a job, we get a job to have money to pay bills, we pay bills to have things that in retrospect shouldn't have value. Like who's idea was it that we have to pay money for water? Water… like that basic human need you have to have to survive is being sold to us. Things like land, a house, or food even, when did it become human nature to monetize everyday living necessities.

He moved on to speak more in depth again about the cycle of "life" and how we work 9 to 5 to make ends meet and a majority of people don't even enjoy their job. So, you are going to tell me I have to pay tens of thousands of dollars to get an education, to in turn get an entry level job, to then get stuck in a cycle of kissing someone's ass to give me a raise or even vacation time. Heck to the no. Corporate America and the whole job field really is bogus, why should it be up to Dave the supervisor to tell me how much my time is worth or if and when I'm allowed to take my vacation days with my family. I mean it is literally and endless cycle that we are groomed to adhere with very few other alternatives or avenues out.

We then dove into a deeper more meaningful subject of his personal struggles with mental health. What really struck me initially was his use of words, I don't think I have ever heard someone just openly say the words "Suicide" or "I wanted to kill myself." I feel like when that's brought up those certain terms are always beat around the bush terms. He read us his suicide note and we dissected it, his thoughts of what really is the meaning of life and why am I or why are we all here, because at the end of the day we just die don't we? So, should I just beat life to the punch line and end it all myself. For many people this reality is all too true.

Taking this, we transitioned into, I guess, how these realities stayed true even when he began to grow a "platform" or "fame" if you will. As many know he began by making funny vines, videos, or skits and they circulated social media platforms appealing to young adults and youth. He showed us a tweet that was shared by his aunt Sarah expressing her gratitude and love of what he was doing. He shared that his aunt had passed away before he was able to really share the multitude of prosperity that he had acquired. Leaving him with doubts of, I have all this money and fame and essentially what everyone dreams of, yet, I still can't bring her back or share it with her. Really putting into perspective what people's priorities are. Life can end in the blink of an eye; you really never know what is going to happen and when you are going through things in life you really never know who is going to be at the end of the road with you.

Another example he told us was when he was going on the road to speak at University of Rhode Island, that at the same time his brother was going to jail. The sadness he felt while his big brother, someone he loves, and respects is going away. He couldn't be there to support him in his time of need, and neither could his brother be there for him in such a time of greatness. This was related to the recent death of Nipsey Hussle, a man loved by so many and who loved so many. Someone who would give the shirt of their back to anyone in need was killed and taken not only from his community, but his children and the mother of his children. That is yet another case of kids in the black community that now have to grow up without knowing the love their father. I mean it all just shows that even the best of people can be taken from you and at the end of the day there is nothing we can really do about it.

A point that really caught my attention was when he talked about his birthday. He showed photos from his 21stbirthday party where he was surrounded by friends and some family and you can tell in the picture, he isn't happy. He isn't showing that infectious smile even though the whole day is supposed to resonate around him, and people were already drinking and partying before he had even gotten the chance to come and hang out. He made a good point of saying "I felt like if I didn't throw myself a party then I wouldn't have had one." Emphasizing that he was around friends and was not alone, but he felt alone and that's probably one of the worst feelings someone can have. Being around people that you love and should love you but still feeling alone and somewhat overlooked.

We concluded with a sort of positive note, I guess it all depends on how you read into or view it. But he shared with us his experience with parasailing and how he is very (like very) afraid of heights and doing this was taking a huge risk but did it anyway. He said that as he was rising, he was not screaming or yelling but calm, that the space was almost peaceful. The higher he went the more beautiful blue everything got, and the air was light he felt weightless and that in that moment he felt more in tune with life that he had ever before. I took that moment as, in one of his deepest fears he found the most peace and was able to feel contentment in something so foreign and unknown which is beautiful.

Overall getting to meet him and hear him talk was so amazing, everything outlined in this was completely my experience and my take on what he said so don't come sue me or anything. But it was really a beautiful space to be in. At the end he had Q and A and people were able to open up themselves and express gratitude toward all the positive he is doing for the world and communities he speaks too. To have the ability to be so vulnerable and open about his life and his struggles and to turn it into a positive is a true talent that can put so much good into the world. So, to Demetrius Harmon thank you for blessing me and out community with your amazing self. We love you and #youmatter.

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