Delta Sigma Phi Takes Pride in New House | The Odyssey Online
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Delta Sigma Phi Takes Pride in New House

Delta Sigma Phi Takes Pride in New House

Delta Sigma Phi, known as Delta Sig on campus, has made great strides within the past few years. It was only in 2010 when Delta Sig was colonized on campus, and four years later the brothers are taking pride in their new fraternity house. 

Zac Wilson, their current president, let me feel like an HGTV queen as he showed me through their new home on Spring Street. Contractors have been working hard throughout the summer to have their house ready by move in. The exterior has improved curb appeal and a fresh coat of paint with Delta Sig’s colors, giving the house a clean slate for its new tenants.

With the help of local and regional alumnae and families, the interior has been renovated and is in pristine shape. A local alumnus is a general contractor and has been working closely with Delta Sig to provide supervision to most of the major renovations inside.  

Wilson is among eighteen of the brothers that live in the house. Their new place holds a kitchen, living room, study room, movie room, and bedrooms and bathrooms for brothers and guests.  

In a short amount of time, Delta Sig and their family has converted this place into a home. The brothers took it upon themselves to provide the aesthetic upgrades inside the house. During the first two weeks of the semester, brothers came in and out to help with deep cleaning, drywall fixes, and painting the interior.  While the hallways maintain a comfortable neutral color, the study room has hues of greens.  

Wilson’s favorite part of the house is the living room. “It's a great place to relax in between classes or catch up with brothers that are passing through.” 

As for me, my favorite part was the girl’s bathroom. Not only did the brothers paint it pink, but some of their mothers took it upon themselves to provide it with feminine touches. I guarantee that you will never find flowers in another fraternity house near this campus!

The brothers were easy-going and casual when I had the tour this weekend. As I gathered with some of the men on their porch, Wilson explained that one of the biggest moments was mounting their letters on the exterior walls of the house. They gleamed with pride and excitement as they explained that this is the first time that their letters are on a house.

The brothers were proud to stand in front of their letters on their wall. For them, it is a symbol of how far they have come in such a short time, and where they can lead their growing chapter in the future.

When I asked Wilson about his current goals, he stated, “During my term, I want to increase professional and social partnerships with other Greek organizations, help my chapter to improve academically, keep a clean house, and spread the Delta Sigma Phi name.” In the words of Wilson, getting a house and being involved every step of the way embodies the brother’s hardworking spirit. 

To them (and the rest of Greek life), a fraternity house gives an organization a solid, well-established reputation. Maintaining a house on campus will give them the Greek stature that they deserve.

Meanwhile, if you can’t find them at their new house, Wilson says they can be found at 45/Decibel or Withrow Courts playing a pick-up game of basketball.

The brothers of Delta Sig are genuine, welcoming, and know how to have a great time. There is no doubt in my mind that they are taking Miami Greek life by storm. Thank you for letting me show the Greek community your new place.

Welcome home, Delta Sigma Phi!
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