When you look in the mirror, what do you see?
I cannot speak for all women on this; however, when I look into the mirror, I almost instinctually start the process of examining the aspects of myself I wish I could change. Frustrating, I know! We are our own worst critics.
However, when I say change, I don't merely mean just looks. No, I mean the components of our hearts that have been shaken and bruised, creating a crazy, chaotic mess of a girl.
Life is filled with moments of impact, good and bad. Whether we mean to or not, it's difficult to not allow certain hardships to define us.
Behind every heart, there's a story. We have all met countless of souls that will forever be scarred on our hearts.
From the day you were born, your heart was being molded into a beautiful masterpiece.
Why not you?
When we grow up into our insightful minds, we examine our life.
The divorce that struck us all throughout childhood, that boy in grade school who told us our looks weren't up to par, the crazy high school years that are now a blur, the family we were given and, essentially, the life we were placed into, all have made their way into our story, into our hearts.
Whether we realize it or not, it's a part of us, imbedded in our soul.
In the midst of appraising our, what seems to be, crazy life, we don't realize it was always and forever meant to be an essential part of who we are, who we're to become.
I had a dear friend look at me and say, "Why not you?" The crazy life of hurt and beauty was given to you for a reason. God doesn't make mistakes. It's just our duty to unveil His work through the chaos we've been given.
Dance in the rain.
With every setback, wrong turn, tragedy and even heartbreak, there are opportunities to look up and pray. Life can make us feel messy and chaotic, and that's OK.
Your past doesn't define who you are, nor does the circumstances you've been given throughout this life.
That crazy beautiful girl you see in the mirror has carried herself through a life that was designed to rupture her spirit, but there's hope.
You are the daughter of the King, who's not moved by the world. You've been given a mess to make beautiful, to be the light you so desperately want to see in the world.
Put a smile on, use your manners and do what makes your soul happy because you've been redefined! Keep your eyes so remarkably fixed on Christ, and that big heart filled with worldly chaos won't stand a chance.
Keep pressing on, sweet friend. Every aspect of our life is a gift and an important part of your story, I promise you that.