8 Reasons 'Degrassi' Will Always Be The Best Teen Drama Ever On Television | The Odyssey Online
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8 Reasons 'Degrassi' Will Always Be The Best Teen Drama Ever On Television

Help, I've fallen down a "Degrassi" rabbit hole and I can't get up!

8 Reasons 'Degrassi' Will Always Be The Best Teen Drama Ever On Television

Growing up, my sister and I were incredibly into watching "Degrassi: The Next Generation." There was once when my family went on vacation for a week -- the same week as a big all-day, seven-day "Degrassi" marathon -- when we recorded literally every episode so we could binge it (before binging was cool!) when we got back. This show basically carried me through my childhood.

Well, recently I decided to re-watch it all since every single episode is on Youtube, and I couldn't help but think about if any other teen drama show will ever live up to its standards. In terms of educational value, dramatics, relatability, and much more, it's become a fan-favorite series, even though it's nearly two decades old (even older if you consider "Degrassi: Junior High"). I honestly don't think that any show could ever top "Degrassi," and here's why:

1. It gave us kick-ass female role models.

The women of this show, while they have their flaws, are all incredibly powerful and driven women. From single moms to accepting IV League university offers to overcoming trauma, they all represent girl power and the importance of following your dreams and being ambitious.

2. It gave us the perfect combo of cheesy and dramatic.

There were some episodes that got super corny, of course, but there were also the incredibly impactful and crazy episodes that we didn't see coming that left us speechless.

3. It helped us find two huge celebs that have now been dominating music and TV for years now.

Drake and Nina Dobrev are both bae. (Also, check out Drake's new album, "Scorpion," out on Spotify and Apple Music now!)

4. It represents real people with real issues.

Breakups, sexual assault, coming out, pregnancy scares, eating disorders, proms, dating, sex, death... This show covered so many real-life issues that teens and young adults all face in life, both big and small, and had relatable characters portraying these issues on top of that.

5. It teaches you that it's never too late to change your life.

It shows you characters that take risks, try new things, and go for what they want most in the world.

6. It's one of the only continues to grow and represent different communities.

In its new Netflix spin-off, "Degrassi: Next Class," the episodes revolve around more current political hot topics, like religion, sexuality, and gender.

7. Literally everyone loves this show, so you don't feel any judgment for binge-watching every season.

Or at least watching the episodes that you're obsessed with over and over again.

8. And finally, it gave us the most wonderful music video from "Degrassi" alumni, Drake.

A literal cinematic masterpiece.

All hail Degrassi!

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