So, are we talking?
This thought has crossed my mind several times throughout several different potential relationships. But, what does that even mean? You might go on a date, some time in the future, but in the mean time you're left uncertain and confused if the person feels the same as you...
Here's a suggestion: Communicate.
Wondering what the hell is going on in that gorgeous little mind of his? Ask him. Don't be rude about it, but be straight forward. Make your intentions known, and leave it at that. Once he knows how you feel, he realizes you don't want to waste your time or his own.
Pray about it.
While this can seem so cliche, it will set the tone of your future relationship. Pray for his heart, that it is right with God, that it is pure in the pursuit of you. Pray for yourself. Ask God to work in your life, preparing your mind and heart to share it with someone you care for.
Don't give a play-by-play to your bestie.
While I absolutely love my best friend, and I jump at the chance of telling her every little detail of a late night conversation, maybe its best to keep these little details to yourself. I am the queen of over analyzing the smallest situation, and asking for second opinion can escalate nothing into something. (But, letting your best friend in on a few secrets isn't a bad idea.)
#ManCrushMonday isn't every Monday.
I am all for showing your boyfriend or girlfriend some appreciation, but when it's all you talk about, it makes me wonder if you love him or the idea of him. Save those moments for when you they will matter most, during a stressful week, or when you're going through a difficult time. Posting about him all the time can lose its effect, and relationships shouldn't be blasted for the world to see. The relationship consists of you and of him, not you, him, and the internet.
Stop putting yourself out there.
I've always heard that the moment you stop searching for a mate, one will come your way when you least expect it. Work on yourself. Keep up with your circle of friends. Become happy with yourself in order to prepare your heart to share it with someone else. (This includes cryptic 2 am tweets about your past relationships.)
Learn to be contently single.
Enjoy the single life! Go on adventures, take a weekend getaway with your girlfriends. Make memories that you can tell your future guy about. Sometimes, a night in binge watching Gossip Girl is good for the soul.
Dating isn't something to dance around or tip toe across every corner. It's something to be discussed with an open channel of communication. What do you want? What does he want? What are your goals and aspirations? Do they compliment his? Just because someone shows interest in you doesn't mean they are right for you. Set expectations for yourself. Know your precious worth. Guard your heart. The right person will compliment your life. He will protect your heart through prayer and loving the way he sees a future with you.
At least, that is what I hope to find. Meanwhile, I will continue to work on myself, praying for my future and for someone that I hope to one day share it with.