I recently got a new tattoo (shocker, i know). It's a simple tattoo; a tombstone with the words 'R.I.P. Beauty standards', but it contains such a complex meaning.
Our society has set out this idea of the perfect beauty; tall, long hair, tan and opinionated but not too opinionated because that actually means that you have a voice. Society is wrong.
Beauty is seen differently through the eyes of each individual. There isn't a right or wrong way to define beauty, so why do we pressure people to look a certain way because that is what we are told is accepted?
Don't be too skinny.
Don't be too big.
Don't cut your hair too short, you'll look like a boy.
Don't grow your hair out too long, you'll look like a girl.
When are we finally going to learn to accept one another's individuality?
I'm not saying that tall, blonde and tan is wrong. If that's what you feel most beautiful as then that's all that matters. But that doesn't mean that not being those things is wrong either.
We should embrace who we are. The birthmark that you try to cover up with makeup is beautiful. The hair that you can't seem to tame is beautiful. Your sleeve of tattoos or colorful hair is beautiful. You are beautiful in the size 0 that you wear or the size 12, 6, 16, 2.
Just because we are told what beautiful it doesn't mean that we haven't been told wrong. Who you are is beautiful. What you see as beautiful, is beautiful.
There is no such thing as not being beautiful.
I struggle with this a lot. I have never truly been happy with my appearance, so maybe I am a hypocrite for even writing this. Or maybe I am a girl who knows deep down that all of this time I put myself down, I am wrong.
Society may tell me that I am not good enough.
Magazines may tell me that I am not good enough.
The world may tell me that I am not good enough.
I don't have to tell myself that I am not good enough.
There should be no such thing as a beauty standards because we all fit into someone's idea of beauty.
I get told so often that I shouldn't have tattoos or piercings because girls shouldn't have those things. I get told that I am ruining myself with them, but how am I ruining myself in the art that I see as beauty. Keyword: I, me, myself.
We don't have to try to fit into what we are told is the right appearance. What we have been told is just one big lie. The dictionary gives us one definition of beauty, but we can make many definitions of the term. It isn't what the world says, it's what we say as individuals and we need to respect everyone's different view on it.
Let's accept one another. Let's build one another up. Let's stop setting unrealistic expectations and start telling people to look the way that they feel most happy and healthy.
The world is changing and we can be whoever we want to be.
R.I.P. Beauty Standards.
R.I.P. World Standards.
R.I.P. Gender Roles.
You will not be missed.