" The Office" is undeniably one of the best television shows ever created. Even the worst characters on this show are better than the best characters on other shows. It's just that good.
- Dwight- Obviously Dwight is No. 1, you ignorant slut. Let’s be real. Dwight K. Schrute is not only the best office character, but he may be the best television characters period. He’s honest and blunt at all times. He knows that nobody could handle his undivided attention and he also knows that the 4 basic human necessities are air, water, food and shelter. NOT love. We could all learn a little something from this strange, strange man
- Jim- Not only is he the prank master of the show, but he’s a total heart throb. He buys Pam’s engagement ring like 2 days after dating her. His smirk is knee-weakening, and he puts Dwight’s things in Jell-O. I mean, does it really get better than Jim Halpert? Nothing better than seeing Jim push Dwight's buttons.
- Michael- Where do I even begin? The only reason this guy isn’t number 1 is because he devastatingly left the show early. He may be the most annoying guy in the world, but it really doesn’t get better than Michael Scott. He managed his employees with grace (especially Toby), he always tried way too hard, and lied way too much, he ran Meredith over, and was extremely clueless about everything. And thank god he warned us about the dementors. But for some reason, he just holds a big, special place in our hearts (that’s what she said).
- Toby- If I had a gun with two bullets and I was in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden, and Toby, I definitely would NOT shoot Toby. The show would be nothing without Michael’s unnecessary but amazing hatred for Toby. Let’s be honest, the only time anyone cared at all about what Toby said was when he was on jury duty for the Scranton Strangler.
- Kevin- Nothing better than when he traumatically dropped his homemade chili (and then starts rolling in it). We all have a little bit of Kevin in us, whether it’s because all we think about is food or because we all have our ‘special’ moments. Kevin may seem like a big dummy because he frequently used as few words as possible, but I think it was pretty brilliant that the first thing he did when there was a fire was go straight to the vending machine. Me think Kevin rocks.
- Phyllis- There’s nobody on the show that was more deserving of finding truelove than Phyllis. And we’re so glad she found it with Bob Vance (Vance Refrigeration). She sews, she dresses up as Santa She’s the cute little grandmother we’ve always wanted. Well, besides when she listens to an erotic novel during work and gets turned on. I don’t want my grandma doing that.
- Andy- AKA Nard Dog. Andy kind of sucks. But the musical stylings of Andy Bernard suck even more. His baby talk may want to make you turn the show off completely (not really though you’ll probably watch the show in 4 days). But Nard Dog does have his moments. He does have the best nicknames, especially Boner Champ. Oh and did you know Andy went to Cornell?
- Creed- Creed is like that creepy uncle that ruins every holiday. Nobody is really sure if he’s a thief, a murderer, or just a straight up fugitive. He definitely still thinks he has the sex appeal of a college male. And honestly, he might.
- Stanley- Did I stutter? Of course Stanley is high up on this list. Stanley is definitely the most realistic character on The Office. He hates every one and every thing, especially Michael. He is usually quite the grump, but for some reason he kind of rocks. He has secret pizza compartments, has daily siestas, and is always the first one out of the office when the workday is over. Basically we are all Stanley.
- Pam- We all know Pam Beasley would be nothing without Jim. She’s kind of boring, but Pam definitely has her cool moments. Like when she’s the only one who dresses up for Halloween, when she won the Dundie for World’s Longest Engagement, and when she finally ended that engagement and started her life with Jim. Yeah, basically, Pam is only important because Jim is important.
- 11. Meredith- Ahh, Meredith. What a creature. She really is a wild woman. She took casual day at work by dressing WAY too casual (no panties), she gave great advice (talk classy, act nasty), and revealed her deep, dark secret of being a porn addict. She also flashed us way too many times, but that’s just good Ole’ Meredith. Secretly, we all think like her sometimes, we just might not say it out loud (we definitely don’t say it out loud).
- 12. Angela- The cat-loving, judgmental b*tch. She dresses like a nun and loves nobody but her cats (and Dwight). Did you even know she has a son on the show? Probably not. Angela is just a fun sucker, but she definitely knows how to let loose in private (or in the elevators with Dwight). She’s not afraid to call out a slut when she sees one (cough, cough Jan). But I guess every office needs an Angela.
- 13. Kelly- She’s definitely one of the most dramatic characters in television history. Kelly never shuts up and never lets what she wants out of her sight (AKA Ryan). Although she may be annoying, Kelly talks smack better than anyone else. I also wish I could go after a guy with the same ferociousness that she does. She basically forced Ryan to date her, and what girl can’t admire that?
- Oscar- The gay best friend you’ve always wanted. He’s sassy and he’s smart. And he really handles Michael trying to kiss him like a true pro. (Besides, his gayness isn’t what defines him, his Mexican-ness is)
- Erin- God, is this girl annoying. She gets way too excited about staff meetings and takes way too long to decide if she should unpack a box of pens or not. We do sympathize with her because she was a foster child, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t irk us every episode.
- Ryan- We all know him as the boy who started the fire. Who would ever believe that the original temp is actually the mastermind behind the entire show?
- Jan- Jan is the worst. The only thing she has going for her is that she throws sick dinner parties. We’re not sure if Michael made her crazy, or if she was born that way.
- Gabe- You could just take one look at Gabe and know he’s by far the worst character on The Office. It was seriously disturbing when he dressed up as Lady Gaga. There’s not much to say about this guy besides that he just plain sucks.