Definitive Ranking of the 'Friday Night Lights' Characters
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Definitive Ranking of the 'Friday Night Lights' Characters

Warning: this article contains spoiler alerts and attractive GIFs.

Definitive Ranking of the 'Friday Night Lights' Characters

"Friday Night Lights," the movie, started an era in 2004, leaving people wanting more of Texas. We saw actors come back, like Connie Britton and Brad Leland, when the movie resurfaced as a television show in 2006. This show became a phenomenon of mass proportions, leaving people waiting to link eyes with the (yes, THE) hottest dad and football players on TV, becoming even more popular than the movie that preceded. After the end of FNL in 2011, Netflix had picked up the entirety of its seasons, leaving die-hard fans as dedicated as ever to Dillon, Texas. "Friday Night Lights" gave us advice, taught us how to have good relationships, and gave us a peek into the racism and violence that affects poor, predominately African American cities so heavily.

After watching every season over three times, I feel more than qualified to write this article. I also feel spiritually connected to FNL because of Temple being showcased in the series finale episode. So, I present to ya'll the definitive ranking of all of the main characters of "Friday Night Lights." For anyone who is in the middle of watching "Friday Night Lights," this article contains spoilers, so please leave now before it's ruined for you forever.

16. J.D. McCoy and Joe McCoy (played by Jeremy Sumpter and D.W. Moffett)

I put these two in the same number, because they're father and son, and they both suck. J.D. McCoy had hope to be higher on the list, but when season four rolled around, I couldn't help but dislike him. Although J.D. was the prodigy football player that replaced Matt Saracen, he would've never been able to replace Matt Saracen's kindness, good heart and innocence. And Joe McCoy? Did anyone ever LIKE this guy? He was the antagonist to Eric Taylor and because of that, has been on my s**t list since the second season. #sorrynotsorry, this one was an easy one for me.

15. Buddy Garrity (played by Brad Leland)

Buddy Garrity confuses me. He is that character in every show that no one likes, but no one hates. He cheated on his wife with Tyra's mom in the start of FNL and participated in some shady plans against Eric Taylor in season three. I found it hard to like Buddy Garrity because as a grown man, he cared way too much about what others thought of him. However, when season four rolled around, he realized who his true friends were, and made the official loyalty switch to East Dillion and Eric Taylor. Long live the odd and confusing Buddy Garrity.

14. Julie Taylor (played by Aimee Teegarden)

Out of all the rankings, I think this one may be split down the middle of people who either incredibly agree or incredibly disagree with me. I did not like Julie Taylor. At all. Ever. She completely took advantage of Matt's love for her, and WHY WOULD YOU EVER DO THAT TO MATT (which also made me frustrated with him that he kept going back to her). But, I also think I dislike Julie because she reminded me of my teenage self. Not that I've ever done anything I've regretted, but I think Julie was just immature and made many selfish decisions, like most of us do at that age.

13. Becky Sounders (played by Madison Burge)

Now, now, now. Before I get a mob of comments on this article of how I couldn't have possibly put Becky at number 14, I just want to clarify that I fast-forwarded the parts of FNL that she was in when I watched it a second time through. I felt bad for Becky for almost all of seasons four and five, and I just couldn't keep reliving it. She fell in love with Tim Riggins in season four, but she was in high school and he was still in love with Lyla. When she finally accepted that Tim was more like an older brother than a love interest, she moved onto Luke Cafferty, who was the East Dillon replica of Matt Saracen. When she and Luke had sex for the first time, Becky got pregnant, Luke's parents hated her, and she was torn between being dedicated to her Christian roots and wanting an abortion. Becky was a strong soul in FNL and one of the nicest girls consistently for two seasons, but I also couldn't get over how sad she made me consistently for two seasons.

12. Lyla Garrity (played by Minka Kelly)

So don't be confused by her ranking. I love Lyla. She dated both Jason Street and Tim Riggins... *pause* BUT instead of breaking up with Jason, decided to cheat on him with best friend Tim for a very, very long time (I was also equally mad at Tim), either because Jason had recently become paralyzed or because she really did have feelings for Tim all along. I have to admit, though, Lyla was pretty low-key after the Jason/Tim fiasco...a little too low-key, to the point where we only saw her once from seasons four to five. I'm just happy that at the end of the day, she was able to dig Tim out of the hole he was in for three seasons and worked hard to keep him on a good path. Vanderbilt gained a good one.

11. Jason Street (played by Scott Porter)

I don't think I've ever been as shocked as I was at the end of the first episode of FNL, but a special moment happened and suddenly, we all fell in love with Jason Street. Though he pulled a Nathan Scott for much of seasons one and two (as anyone would), he embraced his tragic injury, helped Eric Taylor with his coaching, found loves along the way, and even joined an awesome basketball team for those in wheelchairs. He and Tim reconciled and became inseparable as ever. The only reason Jason ranks so low is because he became so separated from the story line and the rest of the cast that I sort of lost interest in what he was doing and would often forget that he was still in the show. Long live Jason Street and Tim Riggins.

10. Landry Clarke (played by Jesse Plemons)

Landry was a sweetheart and he was the hopeless romantic we hated to love. His care for Tyra was through any roof, but he was so damn emotional that it actually clouded his judgement through every season of FNL. Remember when Landry beat someone to death (on accident) because he was taking advantage of Tyra? Remember the times Landry threw actual tantrums when Tyra wouldn't answer her phone? Call it romantic or toxic (definitely toxic), Landry always had a good head on his shoulders, giving Matt quality advice when he needed it. The only reason he was ranked higher than Jason Street and Lyla is because his presence was prominent in seasons four and five when he had a huge crush on Jess from East Dillon.

9. Brian "Smash" Williams (played by Gaius Charles)

I had a love/hate relationship with Smash Williams. I was irritated, not with him, but with the writers of "Friday Night Lights." In my opinion, I think the writers used Smash Williams as a way to perpetuate African American stereotypes. These writers portrayed this character as a cocky, aggressive black athlete who bullied Matt Saracen, the "docile white male" until they made amends in season three. The writers also exposed the idea of black men believing their only way to success is through athletics, but the realism of that situation wasn't fully addressed. However, away from these stereotypes, Smash Williams dealt with many pressures that young black males go through in every day life, allowing him to be relatable to some viewers.

8. Luke Cafferty (played by Matt Lauria)

I said it before and I will say it again, Luke was the East Dillon replica of Matt Saracen. He was a sweet and kind Southern boy, and who doesn't like that? He crushed on Becky Sounders for two straight seasons and was persistent about making her his girlfriend. When Becky became pregnant, Luke's parents shunned Becky away in hopes of keeping Luke dedicated to working on and committing all of his time to their farm. Obviously all the bolts weren't there but, luckily, Luke knew how to think on his own. When he and Becky finally became boyfriend and girlfriend, I knew I wanted to live vicariously through Becky, and I sure did. He wasn't the best character in the show, but his presence was very enjoyable. ~*that smile*~

7. Jess Merriweather (played by Jurnee Smollett)

Jess was a precious little gem in "Friday Night Lights." She was an independent, strong, African American woman, and she took care of her younger brothers religiously and always made time to work for her grandfather. I didn't like that Jess spent so much time trying to "save" Vince Howard from his stubborn personality and his lifestyle, but she cared for him and wasn't afraid to tell him when he was wrong. Overall, Jess was a badass chick and I liked her character.

6. Vince Howard (played by Michael B. Jordan)

When Vince Howard was introduced in season four, I was scared another Smash Williams stereotype frenzy was going to occur again, but I think somewhere down the line someone said, "Let's be logical and show the reality of what young black males living in poor neighborhoods go through, rather than perpetuate black athlete stereotypes." Something was different when Vince was brought to the East Dillon Lions football team. Vince was the first character to expose what life is like for many young black males who live in debilitated, poor communities and that was important to viewers of FNL. He really started from the bottom and worked for his success; through his mother's drug addiction, to his dad coming back into (and shortly back out) of his life, through needing to sell drugs to pay bills, working in Jess's grandfather's restaurant for some extra money, and religiously attending football practice on time. He was hardworking, good-looking, and in season five, turned into the really awesome guy we all knew he was.

5. Tim Riggins (played by Taylor Kitsch)

Tim Riggins has earned the No. 5 spot. I would've put him at No. 1 if I could, but considering his alcoholism, him hooking up with both Tyra and Lyla at the same time for a long while, having no drive to do much for 50 percent of the series, and doing some black market shenanigans under his brother's car maintenance business, his credibility knocked him down a few spots. Tim has his ups though. He doesn't have parents present in his life, his brother was his guardian, and neither of them had much money, but somehow they pulled together to make lemonade out of lemons. And however crazy Tim Riggins could be, he was always a great friend; to Jason, to Tyra, to Becky and even to Julie. He treated Lyla like a princess, and although he had his downfalls, picked himself up from his darkest moments for her. Tim Riggins also has great hair and cute mannerisms. Overall a good guy and very consistent in all five seasons. (Examples of great hair and cute mannerisms below).

Aaaaaand you're welcome.

4. Tyra Collette (played by Adrianne Palicki)

Tyra is my favorite young woman character in "Friday Night Lights," and by far the most underrated out of this entire list. She has a strong ass female presence, and I think she completely redefined teenage women as protagonists in television. Admittedly, she is awful in season one. She's jealous and she bullies Lyla because Tim is messing around with both of their hearts. Tyra uses her sexuality, not as empowerment, but as a way to get attention from men, much like some women do in high school when they're discovering themselves. But when Tyra finally learns in season three to use her sexuality and femininity for empowerment, she becomes a storm no one can stop. In seasons three and four, she begins to discover herself, and after dating Landry, finally understands that her worth is not determined by men and that she deserves to be treated for the intelligent and caring woman she really is. Her mother can't afford to send her to college, but she works her butt off for scholarships and interviews and eventually earns her place into the University of Texas. She totally kills the game. Team Tyra now and forever.

3. Matt Saracen (played by Zach Gilford)

Now we're getting to some of the meat of this article, and at the No. 3 spot is none other than Matt Saracen. Matt Saracen, what to say about you. You are the boy I hope every girl meets in her life. You are beautiful, caring, sweet, but firm in your beliefs and responsibilities as a good human being. You put everyone else before yourself and your love for your grandma brings tears to my eyes. You are Matt Saracen. I love you. That is all.

2. Eric Taylor (played by Kyle Chandler)

Eric Taylor is THE hottest dad ever to come on television. Not only is he the hottest dad on television, but Eric Taylor's whole life is similar to how I pray mine is when I'm older. Eric Taylor is so calm, cool and collected. He always has the best advice, he is in, quite literally, the ultimate power couple, and he knows what's best for his family and for the people he cares about. Clear eyes. Full hearts. Can't lose. A++ all around.

1. Tami Taylor (played by Connie Britton)

The motherload (LOL) of them all! Tami Taylor. There is so much to say about this wonderful woman character, but I'll try to keep it short. First, Tami Taylor has Eric Taylor as a husband, making them the BEST LOOKING COUPLE ON TELEVISION (I'm serious). Away from Eric Taylor, Tami Taylor is just a kickass specimen. She improves Eric Taylor, so she is definitely the better half (yes I just said that). I consider Tami Taylor a lot like how my mom is. She has great hair, great style, and is definitely considered a cool mom. But before you think of Regina George's mom, she couldn't be any different. Tami watches after her children and students like cubs, and she ALWAYS does the right thing. She never says anything bad about another person and always keeps life in perspective. Tami Taylor is like the Beyonce of TV moms, and I will never stop loving her. Connie Britton has also played the mother in the first season of "American Horror Story" (available on Netflix), making me love this package even more.

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