The Definitive Ranking Of "Entourage" Characters
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The Definitive Ranking Of "Entourage" Characters

All good things come to an end, but that doesn't mean that we can't continue to relive the best show on TV.

The Definitive Ranking Of "Entourage" Characters

10. Scott Lavin

Probably one of the most boring, useless characters in "Entourage." Scott is a Hollywood manager who initially works at the Murray-Berenson Company, but eventually becomes co-founder and partner of the Murphy-Lavin Group with E. Not much is really known about Scott’s life, except for the fact that he was the one to get Vincent Chase addicted to cocaine. So overall, a less than exceptional person in my book.

Most Memorable Line: (to a group of three women at a party) “So did you guys come together? If not, you want to?”

9. Mrs. Ari

Melissa Gold (yes, she has a first name, shocking I know) is the most tolerating character. She has to deal with Ari constantly putting work before their family, which obviously entails a lot of suffering. However, she is a well off, tennis playing Beverly Hills mom, and is strong enough to stand up to Ari and his intimidating personality.

Most Memorable Line: “If you're not home by 2:00 a.m., I'll be standing at the gates screaming, ‘Ari Gold, super agent, forgot his Viagra!’”

8. Billy Walsh

Easily the craziest character in the show, Walsh is seriously out of his mind. Billy is an independent film director, who worked with Vince in Queens Boulevard and Medellin. He was notably the youngest director to win the Sundance Film Festival, which just adds to his incredibly large ego and psychotic personality.

Most Memorable Line: “My man, Vincent Chase. Wick was right, you're very f*ckable in person.”

7. Sloan

Best known as E’s long-time on-again off-again girlfriend, Sloan is undoubtedly the best female character on the show. Not only is she gorgeous, but Sloan is smart, witty and charitable. She has an affectionate relationship with E, but is also down to earth enough to chill with the guys. Even though their relationship consisted of almost as many breakups as episodes, Sloan never gave up on our guy E.

Most Memorable Line: (to E, trying to convince him to move out of Vince’s place) “You’re not going to be in a relationship, so long as you’re living in a frat house!”

6. Turtle

Sal “Turtle” Assante is probably the most underrated character in the whole show. He is a childhood friend of Vince’s, and is the only one of the group not involved in the acting business. Turtle is Vince’s personal driver, and responsible for taking care of things around the house (frequently supplying the gang with the best weed the West Coast has to offer). Constantly garbed in Yankees and Knicks apparel, there’s really no reason not to love him. Despite his lackluster looks, Turtle somehow manages to have relationships with some really cool girls, including Jamie-Lynn Sigler. Later on in the series, Turtle promotes a tequila brand called Avión, which eventually becomes ridiculously successful. Overall, I can’t say that Turtle is a game changer, but I definitely do love him.

Most Memorable Line: “C’mon Vince! I want to learn scuba. You know how buoyant I am!”

5. Johnny “Drama” Chase

Oh, Drama. Where can I even begin? Johnny’s claim to fame is that he is Vincent Chase’s half-brother, in addition to being an incredibly mediocre actor. He’s best known for his role in Viking Quest (“VICTORY!”), and had a short career with the show "Five Towns" before he quit. He is the chef of the gang, and by far the gayest straight man you’ll ever see on TV. Drama isn’t exactly top pick of the ladies of Hollywood, but he somehow pulls off getting laid almost every night. Drama adds something to every episode, but isn’t necessarily influential. Oh yeah, and one more thing. CALF IMPLANTS.

Most Memorable Line: “I'm telling you, once your car's been stolen, it never runs the same again. It's like a guy sleeping with your girl. He leaves his mark all over her.”

4. Lloyd Lee

Lloyd is Ari Gold’s gay Chinese-American assistant for most of the show, and is eventually promoted to the head of the TV department at the Miller Gold Agency. Lloyd is subject to Ari’s abusive behaviors, constantly verbally insulted due to his ethnicity and sexual orientation. Despite Ari’s attacks on him, Lloyd continues to remain loyal to his boss. For all that Lloyd takes, he deserves to be high up on this list. Not only is he a good sport, but hilarious too.

Most Memorable Line:

“The gay mafia has been replaced by the gay assistant corps, Ari. We know all.”

3. Vincent Chase

Vinny is an actor who fluctuates between superstardom and unimportance constantly due to his on-again off-again roles in movies. He has the “wow factor” with looks, money, and success. He hates commitment, and often talks about how he has never broken up with a girl, despite relationships with porn star Sasha Grey and actress Mandy Moore. Eventually, Vince gets addicted to cocaine and spends three months in rehab for drug addiction. Despite everyone thinking that his friend stick with him for the money and the girls, the gang truly has a special bond. Overall, Vince is obviously a fan favorite (he’s especially aesthetically pleasing) and the show would be nothing without him (literally).

Most Memorable Line: “Look, breaking up is painful. That's why I never do it. I mean why hurt someone when you can just let it drag on forever?”

2. Eric Murphy

E is Vince’s manager and best friend since they were five years old. He does everything in his power to keep Vince on the right path, both in his career as well as his personal life. Unlike the rest of the gang, E tends to seek out long-term relationships despite often being overshadowed by his friends. E is loyal, smart and successful, making him my personal favorite.

Most Memorable Line: “Nobody talks sh*t about you. Except me.”

1. Ari Gold

Ari is Vince’s insane, hot headed, neurotic agent. He is one of the most powerful people in Hollywood, and works incredibly hard. He truly cares for Vince and his entourage, although money is usually Ari’s main motive. Ari is extremely uptight and relentless, but everyone seems to put up with him because he gets results. Ari’s biggest battles actually take place at home, as opposed to the business. He is notorious for having some of the funniest one liners in the show, and "Entourage" clearly would not have been the same without him.

Most Memorable Line: “Who the f*ck are you and why am I wasting my time listening to you?”

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