Donald Trump is going to be the 45th President of the United States of America. While everyone is busy protesting, organizing marches, donating to Planned Parenthood, moving on with their lives or reading Joe Biden meme's, they are missing out on the vast amount of meme possibilities in Donald Trump's many facial expressions.
No matter your opinion on the man, you should try to appreciate the many, unique facial expressions that Trump has. Over the next four years, we will have some of the greatest meme's thanks to this man's love of the dramatic.
Here are some of his best faces, but just imagine all of the possibilities for some new classic Trump looks:
1. The classic "Duck Face" will become the new staple in the White House. Can't wait for White House Selfies!

2. Whatever this more aggressive expression is, Trump will gladly bring it out whenever he wants someone to know he's not joking around.

3. Trump's more dramatic expression show's off his acting skills.

4. The classic, "You're Fired" face.

5. This one is definitely unique to the Donald. I doubt anyone really know's what's going on here.

6. Can't for this one to be used during peace talks and UN Summits.

7. When Mexico says they won't pay for the wall.

8. Is he worried about his hair blowing off, or the fact that he's actually President now?

9. Is he imitating his dog? Or just panting from screaming so much?

10. Get used to this serious look, since Trump will have to start shutting up and listening now.

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