A Definitive Ranking Of Every Appetizer Ever
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A Definitive Ranking Of Every Appetizer Ever

Foodies, you know what to do.

A Definitive Ranking Of Every Appetizer Ever

Everyone loves food. We’re Americans, it’s practically in our blood to love food. One fantastic thing that we do as Americans is eat food before we eat more food. Yes, the miracle of appetizers. Now, it may be difficult to pick just one. So here is a concise list of the best appetizers and why.

1. Macaroni and cheese

Truly the best appetizer of all time, mac and cheese combines the two best food groups: pasta and cheese. Some restaurants make it fancy with aged cheese, or some go hardcore with bacon or cheeseburger. You can’t go wrong, no matter with breadcrumbs or just regular.

2. Garlic knots

Whoever decided to eat bread before a meal has a seal of approval from countless diners. specifically, garlic knots are delicious, oily, warm hugs of flavor. Honestly, don’t even feel bad about filling up on bread before your actual meal because these are worth it.

3. Pretzels and cheese sauce

Who doesn’t love a soft pretzel and some warm cheese sauce? This appetizer is one of the greatest because of the many directions it could go in. This dish could consist of all different types of cheese sauce, and pretzel types from chips to sticks to actual soft pretzels. This dish is amazing and definitely won’t fill you up.

4. Mozzarella sticks

Mac and cheese of course claims the number one spot, but following closely behind is the next best thing: fried cheese. Everyone loves a good mozzarella stick with marinara dipping sauce and this is one appetizer that is guaranteed not to spoil your dinner.

5. Fries

A classic dish and a perfect appetizer, there are countless directions this app can go. Add bacon, cheese and onion for loaded fries, or try some sweet potato fries, or even truffle fries. Regardless, this is one to beat.

6. Chips and dip

Any form of dip goes perfect with some yummy tortilla chips. Bonus points for a spinach artichoke dip or a fancy type of blue corn tortilla chip, but standard Tostitos and queso would do the trick as well.

7. Loaded potato skins

A fantastic invention because fries are never enough. This dish is best made with pounds of cheese, sour cream, onion and bacon. Potato skins are a delicious pre-meal snack.

8. Buffalo chicken dip

A spin on the classic chips and dip, buffalo chicken dip is a classically American dish. Chock-full of ranch and delicious Buffalo flavors, dipping a bagel chip into this magical is always a good choice.

9. Bruschetta

This dish is more of a fancy option, but still amazing. The addition of vegetables can give off an almost healthy vibe, so you can feel okay about scarfing it down before you actually eat dinner.

10. Jalapeño poppers

Another appetizer staple, poppers are a classic. It’s got the fried aspect, it’s got the spicy aspect and of course the cheese aspect. This dish is all you could want and more.

11. Chicken strips

Are we seriously going to pretend this isn’t a meal already? Eating this as an app is guaranteed to spoil your dinner. Also, breaded chicken is incredibly bland. C’mon.

12. Buffalo wings

Another appetizer that’s basically a meal. If you eat wings before your meal, you’re either a genius or an idiot depending on how you last the rest of the evening.

13. Onion rings

A great concept and a delicious option, but why is it that the onion always comes out in one bite? Being left with a breaded shell tasting faintly of onion is so depressing, it’s almost not worth the giant stack. Fried bread is still good though.

14. Potstickers

Another iffy choice. I guarantee that unless you’re eating at a Chinese restaurant, you wouldn’t get potstickers as an appetizer. Potstickers cannot stand alone, and must be sampled with an array of other delicious food.

15. Pigs in a blanket

Are we five years old? This appetizer has no place at any self-respecting restaurant. Maybe buy them frozen and eat them alone in shame, but never order these travesties.

16. Nachos

Another dish that could go countless ways. You could go classic cheese and chips, or go nuts with countless toppings and dips. Nachos are always a solid pre-meal treat. Or a post-meal one, because dessert nachos are delicious. A classic choice, although a fairly predictable one.

17. Flatbread

This is basically a pizza! Flatbreads are delicious but this is not an appetizer, this is a full meal. Or order it as an app, live your life! But seriously, not an app.

18. Meatballs

The saddest excuse for an appetizer is meatballs. I would love a detailed explanation of what purpose this food serves. Standalone balls of meat and sauce? At least add it to pasta or something. So sad, meatballs.

19. Fried pickles

This dish is highly debated. In one corner we have pickle lovers, and in the other we have those who detest the snack. In my opinion, frying anything instantly makes it more delicious. Also, if you ask me, soon this treat will make its way to the top of the list. Get on board, people.

20. Stuffed mushrooms

It seems to me only fancypants people like this one. Mushrooms are pretty gross to begin with, and while stuffing them with cheese and other yummy items definitely ups the appeal, this app is at the bottom of the list for a reason.

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