The Definitive Rankings Of Dorms At Lafayette College
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The Definitive Rankings Of Dorms At Lafayette College

Because apparently there are 19.

The Definitive Rankings Of Dorms At Lafayette College

19. Gates Hall

The rooms in this dorm are the smallest possible rooms ever, so small that you and your roommate can hold hands while you sleep. This dorm has character though with its gnats on the bathroom sinks and the stinky first floor. The only upside is definitely that campus pizza, Wawa and everything else good is only a block away.

18. Ruef Hall

Honestly Ruef is only this far down on the list because of its reputation of people throwing garbage down the fire escape and people smoking on the stairs towards downtown. In reality, the walk-in-closets in Ruef are amazing and deserve to be in a better dorm than this. Ruef however is one of those dorms where you go to party, but don’t want to live at.

17. Reeder House

Does anybody even live here? Where even is this house? I’m just going to place it here at number 17 because it can’t be worse than Gates or Ruef if nobody ever talks about it

16. Conway House

The rooms inside Conway are actually nice and it has AC, but it's way too far and it kind of sucks as a freshman to be surrounded by sororities and frats, watching them have a bunch of fun.

15. Farber Hall

It’s super-hot in here, like even the hallways are hot and it's boring. Super-hot and boring end of story.

14. Soles Hall

This dorm has so much potential with the suites, but it not for the lazy. Having your own bathroom gets real old when you don’t want to clean it and its nothing like the rattle of the heat to wake you up at five in the morning every morning. But if you decorate your suite just right, it can feel like a mini apartment.

13. Marquis Hall

I have only been in this dorm once, but it just seems like the combination of a dining hall, campus police, and a dorm cannot be a good mix at all. But I guess there’s nothing like waking up to the smell of bacon and crepes to get you ready for class.

12. Kirby Hall

I imagine it smells like sweat, cologne and food from Gilbert’s but at least it has Gilbert’s.

11. Keefe Hall

Another dorm I feel like nobody lives in, but the common room is amazing and I know it has A/C and an elevator so it can’t be that bad.

10. Rubin Hall

I honestly wonder how anybody that lives in Rubin does not starve since Simon’s doesn’t open until the night time, but I have never been in this dorm and never will because it so far. It looks nice on the outside but then again it’s far, so that’s all that matters.

9. Kamine Hall

It's so far but it has Simon’s in it which has such amazing sandwiches, sandwiches that nobody gets to have because it's so far.

8. Fisher Halls East & West

These dorms are a thing of beauty as they are basically mini apartments. They are so new and not yet damaged; everyone wants to live in the Fishers, everyone who is not lazy like me who refuses for it to take 20 minutes to walk to class.

7. McKeen Hall

Honestly, I pretty sure McKeen deserves to be further down on the list seeing as there is always vomit in the hallways or the distinct boy smell on the first floor. But Mckeen is just fun, not too fun that you can’t get your work done but also super entertaining on the weekends.

6. Watson Hall

Watson is a pretty decent dorm. It has good location, has a classroom and decent sized rooms. The only thing I don’t understand about Watson is the multiple checkpoints inside that confused me to the point that I got frustrated and left.

5. Mckelvy House

McKelvy is actually a nice house. Yeah it is kind of far and off-campus, making the trek to class a little longer than it should be, but McKelvy is worth it. Its seclusion and beautiful backyard not only makes this a desirable place to live, but also actually gives its residents the space to have some pretty amazing parties.

4. Ramer Hall

Ramer is like a hidden gem on the campus that nobody knows about. The corner rooms in this dorm are so huge that they have two doors. When I lived in Ramer, I practically had parities in my room just because I could fit so many people. I definitely recommend this dorm.

3. Easton Hall

The rooms in Easton are pretty nice and the fact that each room has two closets is even more of a reason why this dorm is near the top of the list. Plus I just feel like Easton is fun and that anybody that lives there just has fun every weekend, I don’t know just a hunch.

2. South College

Oh South with its pee filled elevator and its vomit in the sink bathroom that sometimes I hear has feces smeared over the walls is the embodiment of college. With residents passed out in bushes and exit signs stolen, South represents everything that is right and wrong in the world.

1. Watson Courts

The best of the best are the courts. Not only are the courts basically apartments, but are the most sought after on campus. Even the lack of laundry does not stop anybody from living in the freedom that is the courts. I cannot wait until I am a senior when I finally have a lottery number high enough to get a magical court.

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