There are many stigmas and stereotypes about what being a Millennial means. Other generations think we're entitled and know-it-alls, but what does it really mean to be a Millennial in a world of haters? Here are a few things to give you a clue.
We understand technology.
(I don't), but most of the time, my generation has a pretty good understanding of technology and their benefits. Most of us are the ones with the ideas to create new technology- so you're welcome. I can barely function a laptop and still need to Google many "How do I...?" but I can honestly say I do know much more about technology than my mom (hey), and I'm pretty average on the spectrum compared to a lot of other people who encounter technology on a daily basis.
We're diverse.
because of our access to the internet at our fingertips. We can research within seconds the lifestyles of people all over the world. Even if we're not the most well-rounded. We know what it takes to be diverse.
We're the future.
we're shaping what the generations to come to will see as "Americans". We have the ability to shape the country, and are going to do so with pride and persistence.
Mental health is actually addressed by us.
considering we're the most stressed, anxious generation on the planet, we know what it means to address the issue of mental health problems. People aren't dismissed for having mental health issues, we strive to empower each other to work through these problems. Instead of being looked down upon for our mental health problems, we're encouraged to talk about these issues and find ways to fix them. This will only go up from here with our generation and the generations to come.
We decide who's "in."
because of technology and how much we use it, our opinion on things literally shapes who's going to be famous, what fashion trends are in, and everything in-between. I take recommendations from my friends to check out movies or TV shows, and these trends literally boom because of our opinion on them.
We understand the difference between money and happiness.
I hate to say it, but BabyBoomers only really cared about money. In my experience, I've found that more of my generation cares about being happy rather than making the most money. Of course, there are always exceptions, but I know that there are now more liberal arts majors than ever, and more people that are doing careers they love rather than careers that will give them a nice paycheck. With that, we will be the most satisfied generation with our work, because from the start we'll be doing what we love.
We make the change we want to see.
when we don't agree with what's going on in the world, we change it. With our influence on technology and media, we can literally change anything we don't like in hopes of being noticed.
I could really go on for days, but putting the stereotypes aside, we are the most hard working, determined generation and things are surely looking up for us. So, for the generations above, it'd be nice if we weren't degraded or looked down on just because we're younger, and yeah we may come off as stubborn, and uptight, but we take after the generations that raised us, but we won't become them–am I right?