Mental illness is literally exactly what it sounds like. Certain organs within the human body are susceptible to their own array of specific diseases and disorders.
-Lungs get pneumonia
-Kidneys get stones
-Bones get broken
-Tonsils get inflamed
-Brains get depression
That's what depression is, a mental illness, and a health problem just like the rest of these sicknesses. Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, OCD, and Eating Disorders are all also mental illnesses.
They're also incredibly difficult to treat. Therapy helps for some people, but it's often not enough, so medication is added into the mix.
I've suffered from anxiety and depression for a couple of years now. It's been a struggle, but I can happily say that the worst is behind me for good. That being said, there are lots of people who still have it worse than I did, and I'm writing this article on behalf of them.
Unfortunately, there isn't as much research into mental illness as a lot of other disorders, and the currently available medications are pretty crude, so one medication, like Prozac, is often prescribed for a variety of different disorders. To make matters worse, taking said medication is heavily stigmatized for a variety of reasons which are flat out idiotic. My personal favorite is that it makes people "not act like who they are naturally."Having the disorder is stigmatized too. People claim it's not a real disease, that people with mental disorders just need to cheer up, learn to control themselves, get over it, etc.
I can go all day about this, but for the sake of time, here's a few comics to help clear up a few common misconceptions about mental illness:
1. Mentally ill people aren't "just thinking about themselves."
If you knew something was wrong, you'd think about it too. And yes, we're aware that other people might have it worse.
Credit: Shannon Sophia; Picture from
2. Mental illness isn't a rich person problem either
We're just better educated about it/Can actually afford the treatments
Fun Fact: Mental illness is one of the leading causes of homelessness in America.
3. Imagine if we treated physical illnesses like mental illnesses
Via Huffington Post (
Because my diabetic friend just needs to learn how to control his pancreas.
4. Here's another one...
5. Depression isn't just "feeling bad"
Here's an idea of what life with depression is like:
Credit: Gemma Correll
6. Anxiety in a nutshell
Credit: Unknown; @ (
7. To anybody reading who's struggling with mental illness: Just remember, you're not alone