On Monday, October 10th, Clay Travis of Fox News had a novel idea while watching the Tennessee-Texas A&M football game. While complaining about the game lasting for five hours, he Tweeted that one way to reduce such a lengthy game would be to cut out the halftime shows. Naturally, people were upset by this.
I know, I know - Marissa, what are you doing? You're an orchestra nerd, aren't you supposed to have some sort of playful rivalry with the band geeks? Well, as much as I like to complain about the trumpets being deafening, I respect the hell out of everyone and anyone who has ever been part of marching band. The sort of organization and coordination necessary to memorize your music, play it correctly, and march in formation together without messing up? That sort of thing is pretty amazing, and I am continually amazed by it, considering that I play the cello - an instrument requires you to sit down and stay there while playing.
The marching band is an integral part of the football game experience, especially college games. And more than that, the halftime show is very much necessary. Travis suggested that the band play before or after the game; okay, great, but what about that much needed break for both teams during halftime? When they can change their game plan if needed and recuperate and get re-hyped for the second half?
Travis went so far as to claim "I don't think most people who go to college games care about the band at all," which I find rather hard to believe. The band is exciting and fun, performing both pop culture and fight songs, getting the energy in the stadium back up for the second half, something that is especially needed if your team happens to not be doing very well that day. Maybe I'm biased, but just seeing videos of the OSU Marching Band, better known as the Pride of the Buckeyes or TBDBITL (The Best Damn Band In The Land) gets me pumped up - how could it not? From Michael Jackson and Hollywood's Best to the classic Script Ohio, they prove over and over how amazing band can be. Not even to mention how much organization that has to go into performances for every show - especially getting four Script Ohios onto the field at the same time!
What I'm trying to say here is don't get rid of marching bands. We simply love them too much to ever let them go. And, hey, shout out to all my friends who were part of the high school band back in Stow - you guys totally rocked in this performance senior year!