It's a month into college, and the reality of things is about to start kicking in. It's the time of year where money suddenly begins to disappear out of our pockets. The stacks of homework keep piling up. Test grades are coming in. Sleep? HA! Not even an option anymore. The social pressures are high. There's so much to stress about. While some amount of stress is actually good, too much of it can really interfere with your lives. Here are some little things you can do to take some of the stress off.
1. Go home for a weekend, if possible.
When you feel homesick, call your parents. I'm sure they'd be more than happy to somehow get you home. Sometimes all you need is the comfort of your family, a nice home cooked meal, a real shower, and a night or 2 in your own bed.
2. Journal.
It sounds so cliche but it helps. Buy yourself a cute little Journal to keep at your bedside. Take a couple minutes before bed and write about your day, and whatever is on your mind. Maybe set some goals for yourself. Journaling can actually help you get to know yourself better and clear your thoughts.
3. Don't overcommit.
As college students, we're holding up full time jobs, doing internships, and volunteer work while attending school full time. While it will look good on your future resumes, you'll eventually get burnt out. Do what you can handle. Be realistic with yourself.
4. Don't procrastinate.
This is coming from the queen of procrastination. If you know there's a big homework assignment coming up in a month, start early. You'll feel better when it's done and out of the way rather than cramming the night before.
5. Exercise.
I know, it sounds a lot more tempting to sit on your couch and watch a full season of Grey's Anatomy in a day. Whether it's a full on workout or a short jog on the treadmill, exercise is the key to stress as your body releases endorphins and it's the perfect way to clear your thoughts.
6. Eat healthy.
In college, our diets are based off instant Mac and cheese, 1 am pizza, and Dunkin donuts coffee. Instead, go buy yourself a salad. Fuel yourself with the right foods, and drink plenty of water. You will feel better.
7. Take time for yourself.
In college it seems almost impossible to take time to yourself. There's always something to do and you're always around people whether it's going to class, the library, a frat party, or even in your dorm; you're surrounded by people ALL the time. While it's good to keep busy, it's also nice to have at least some personal space. Try to find a quiet space, turn off your phone, and just take the time to breathe. Try to do this everyday, even if it's only for a couple of minutes.
8. Treat yourself.
Go do something you love. Go get your nails done, go on an adventure with friends for the weekend, buy yourself some new things. You've been spending all of these hours studying, you deserve it!
9. Listen to music.
Listening to music can act as a performance enhancer. If you're feeling stressed for an exam, pop in your earbuds and listen to your favorite song to relax the nerves.
10. Look up pictures of puppies.
Puppies are cute and make everything better.
11. Cry.
If you feel like you need to let your emotions out, go ahead and let out a good cry. Crying can sometimes actually feel good afterwards and make you feel refreshed.
12. Plan out your day.
Buy yourself an agenda book and map out your day in advance. Give designated times for studying, going to class, and socializing with friends. That way you can know your schedule ahead of time and not have to worry about cramming everything in.
13. Ask for help.
In college, we have this expectation that we need to do everything on our own and be independent. People think that asking for help is a sign of weakness. It's actually a sign of strength to realize you have a problem that's too big to handle yourself. Remember, you're still young and need guidance. Talk to your friends, professors, advisor, or a counselor. You have plenty of support systems, so use them.
14. Get some sleep.
Listen to your body. When your body feels tired, try to catch some shut eye. You're probably reading this as your sitting in your chair working on that homework assignment you should have started weeks ago while consuming so much coffee you can't even close your eyes. It happens to all of us. But ask yourself - is staying up all night really worth that A+? You'll just feel more miserable by sleep depriving yourself, so try to get some sleep when you can.
15. Remember; your grades do not define you as a person.
Sure, fighting for that 4.0 GPA is great, but let's get real. Not everyone can be a genius -- and that's okay. We all have strengths and weaknesses we need to accept. So what, you got a bad test grade. Maybe you got a C instead of an A as your final grade. Don't let it get to you. Take Taylor Swift's advice and Shake it Off. If you're passionate about something, whether you want to be a nurse, a teacher, an engineer, a film producer; whatever it is, go for it. Don't let a bad grade or 2 stop you from doing what you love.
Keep in mind that this stress is only temporary. College is certainly not a breeze to get through, but it will all be worth it when you're living your dream career. I hope you're all having a great semester, and remember to take a breather. :)