Anxiety. It’s a part of your 7am wake up call. It’s an unwanted friend. It’s your own worst enemy living inside of you. Each and every day it is a part of you, it has become you. There is no escaping. You are a prisoner trapped inside of your own body, drowning in your own negative thoughts and worries about everyday activities. This is what it feels like to live with anxiety.
Anxiety. It isn’t something most people understand. If you try to explain your thoughts and feelings to someone, you are often glared at with faces of confusion as well as looks of grimace upon their faces. No one understands you and you are left with more worry once again. It isn’t a physical illness that someone can see it is an illness that is inside of you. One that is hard to cure. Sure you can pop some medication every day but nothing really cures you. You are left hopeless some days, dreading getting out of bed, in fear that your thoughts will once again ruin your day. Anxiety has the potential to ruin relationships. Your family and friends are sometimes the cause of your anxiety, leaving them to run to the fences thinking they did something wrong, when in reality, they probably did nothing wrong. It is a mental illness that takes over your life.
Anxiety. In recent months it has taken over my life in more ways than imaginable. It has caused hurt to those around me, as well as days full of worry because loved ones are worrying about whether I can make it through the day. Days filled with worry about whether or not I will be able to overcome this. It has not only impacted me, but my immediate family. It has taken time out of my day due to attacks over the smallest of things. It has caused me to miss out on being a college student. It has taken time from me that I will never ever get back.
Anxiety. It is now time for this illness to step aside, because it is now time to become me again. It is time to spread my wings and become independent, taking back my life. Breaking out of the trap my own mind has set me in. It is time for me to be free. It is time to put a positive attitude as my #1 priority. It is time for me to live again! It is time for me to go back and rekindle those friendships that I have lost out on. It is time for me to be me!
Anxiety. I hate to say this, but anxiety you will not be missed. You no longer have me held captive. You have been defeated and I could not happier!
I am me again and I am breaking free of anxiety.