The current presidential election has been a recent topic for debate, and with no surprise there has been controversy over each candidate. Hillary Clinton? She's a woman, won't have it. Donald Trump? Naaah, he won't do either. What about Deez Nuts? Sure, why not!
Turns out, Deez Nuts is actually a 15-year-old boy named Brady Olsen.
Despite being 15, Nuts (Olsen) has some pretty interesting views. After viewing his website, which definitely looks like the work of a 15-year-old, I was impressed with how diverse his views were. For someone who isn't even old enough to register to vote, he sure is keeping up with politics and current issues.
Foreign Policy
"I support the work that John Kerry and the State Department did with the Iran nuclear deal, considering it took nearly two years to reach this point. Everyone wants a better deal, but that's the whole point of negotiating. Look at your wants, then their wants, and meet in the middle. Now is the time being respected instead of feared by other nations. I also feel that we need to stop being a world watchdog and limit our positions in international conflicts."
Abortion and Same-Sex Marriage
"I feel that as equal human beings that we should be allowed to choose how to live our lives without being discriminated by one another. At the same time however, I also understand that people believe that Christian religion outweighs government policy. But America is no longer mainly a Christian nation. It is Christian, Jewish, Islam, and many others."
While he might have some interesting points, why is he gaining so much support?There are serious candidates we should be thinking about, but instead we are looking into the platform of a 15-year-old boy going by the name of Deez Nuts?
Are we really going to let a high-school kid be the President of The United States?
What's scary is that some people are actually in support of this. According to CBS, Nuts has earned 7 percent support in Minnesota, 8 percent in Iowa, and 9 percent in North Carolina.
Every election hundreds of people you never hear about file a statement of candidacy with the Federal Election Commission, but the popularity of Deez Nuts has spread on the media.
Just because the media turns someone into a popular presidential candidate, does not mean that they are a candidate who should be considered.
Maybe in a few years, Olsen would make a great presidential candidate, but as for now, we should be focusing on finding the person most qualified to be the next President.